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Re: Everything Birds


Thinking of u @Shaz51. hope u OK? you're quiet lately 💜💕


This ones for you @Dec because you're smart, well read and experienced. But so glad you have more patience for people than this grumyhead lol 


And finally, this one is for our forum sister @utopia. who's in hospital and missing nature and her birds. Big hug to you from all of us. Feel better soon 💜🌷🌿

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Re: Everything Birds


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Re: Everything Birds

Hi @Owlunar, couldn't tag you properly in the post above, so trying again from moile not desktop. Thought it might make you smile. Have a good day today

Re: Everything Birds

LOVE THE GROUP HUG @Former-Member xoxo

hello @mandy84, @utopia, @Appleblossom, @Former-Member

Re: Everything Birds

Thank you @Former-Member. Beautiful images of all the birds. But of course my Cockies are the best.
Thanks so much.♥♥

Re: Everything Birds

Thanks @Former-Member No I had not seen this thread.

I still have great difficulty in finding threads, or in navigating my way around this site.

There are many threads & topics that I have not yet seen (haven't found).

Those bird pictures are beautiful.


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Re: Everything Birds

@Adge, have you found the search bar? Otherwise, let me know what interests you and I'll poke around and tag you lime in this thread. Glad you like the birds. Please tell us about your birds (or I can cut & paste some quotes, yes? Hope you're OK. Don't know how bir you seem a little flat tonight. I',ll pop over the grief thread later. Take care of yourself tonight 🌷🌿🐦🐤🐦🐔

Re: Everything Birds

@Former-MemberCut & pasting some quotes, yes that sounds good.

Sorry I don't have pictures of my birds, as I rarely take photos. I mostly rely on other people's (online) pictures, to show people what they look like.

I was the first person in my entire family to keep birds, at the age of about 15 (or younger).

I started with Cockatiels, peachfaces, Budgies, Eastern Rosellas, Crimson Rosellas, & Zebra finches. Then years later my Mum took up an interest in birds.

Red-Faced Parrot-Finches (my avatar) are my favourite finch - they're very active, have a lovely trill sound, & are very colourful. I've never been able to breed them, as most finches (except Zebras & a few others) need to be fed insects (eg meal-worms) in order to breed at all.

I don't have any Red-Faced P.F's at the moment, as they cost $160 per pair.

I was successful with breeding Canaries for a while (some years ago) - only when I fed them crushed freshly boiled egg every day, which I haven't been able to do for quite some time. Baby Canaries are very cute, little yellow fluff-balls.

I was also successful with breeding a few Java finches (or Java Sparrows), with egg & biscuit mix - although usually Javas need meal worms or other insects to breed. I love Javas too.

Most finches don't do so well in cages, as they fly fast & need lots of room. That's why I've got them in the aviaries outside.

I also love my Bengalese finches (also called Society finches), they all cuddle up together in a nest to sleep at night (7 or 8 of them together) - which is why they're called Society finches. They make a funny cluck clucking sound, a bit like a tiny chicken.

The Bourke Parrots (I have 3) are lovely, very gentle, & only sing in the early morning or at dusk. They're a lovely pink colour, with a flash of blue on their wings & head.

I also love my Orange-Breasted Waxbills (African), which are tiny - they're supposedly the smallest seed-eating bird in the world.

I'm so tired after work, sorry I'll have to sign off now. I'll try to write more another time.


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Re: Everything Birds

Wow @Adge, I think you take the BIRDKEEPER OF THE YEAR AWARD on the forums. Thank you for posting all that. Amazing. I had a good idea maybe I can convert a small add on to my shed as a bird Avery. Have to really seal it off from move and snakes which are about here. Hmm, maybe not lol. What's the smallest size cage for four finches? That might be a good place to start. Can you post pictures here? Would you like me to google images of the birds you write about? This is fun. Thank you Adge. You have an early night. Winter Blues and difficult employment make for lots of rest, Lapses orders lol 🐤🌷🌿

Re: Everything Birds

Hi @Former-Member
Some people do convert a room of their house, or shed into a bird room.

Indoor bird rooms are apparently common in Europe, where it's too cold to keep most tropical birds (including Budgies & Canaries) outside.

I've never been overseas, have never been able to afford a trip.

Canaries are very domesticated & seem quite happy in a small cage. Also Bengalese finches.

For Zebra finches & most other finches a cage about a metre by a metre (bigger) would be better.

They become stronger flyers & get on better together, the more space they have (eg large cage or aviary).

Some finches don't do well in cages & need an aviary - eg waxbills, javas etc. Orange Breasts are a type of waxbill.

Sorry no pictures at the moment - if you Google names of finches & birds you will find some nice pictures.
