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Re: Do You Want To Chat?

Hi @tyme ,

sorry I missed the grooming question. I will find out 

Re: Do You Want To Chat?



If you find the ace you leave it right side up and try and find the two. If you get that then find the three etc. but if you turn the wrong card over you turn them all face down again and someone else gets a turn

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

That's a new one! I've NEVER heard of someone wanting to be a farmer... You're the first lol @Rockdog 


Did you grow up on a farm?

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

Hahaha so sweet @tyme the other day our oldest said in the most announcement kind of way like he just worked something out that was exclusive to him
He goes
“And you know what???? My UNCLE is my NANS SON!??” midway through a dinner conversation and we were like wow yep wait until you find out your mum is also her child too!!!! and we said that he goes yeah I knew that but wow my uncle is nans son?

The way he said and repeated it actually had Mrs AD and I in stiches

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

Oh @Oaktree . got it now. That's HARD... about how long is each round?


Any other good games?

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

@Oaktree you played Monopoloy Deal

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

Does he know that MrsJ and his uncle are bro and sis??? @ArraDreaming 


How funny how these revelations amaze them. It's like this lightbulb moment.


It remind me of a dumb moment i had while learning to drive. As part of the driving test, you have to do a hill start. The instructor was asking if I new and hills around where I lived. I told him I don't know any hills to go up, I only know a hill to go down... He looked at me strange. It wasn't until a few secs later that I clicked...If there's a hill to go down, then there's a hill to go up! Duh!

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

Church was interesting and funny, I wore a dress, if anyone knows me they know I never do dresses, I don't like dresses, but it was either that or I put my clothes away...

People comment when I wear a dress like it's the proper thing to do, I don't care for the proper thing, I like pockets, my black pants have pockets and I don't have to shave my legs... I wear leggings with the dress so I still don't have to. 


It was also funny because church + Christmas = carols, and I told them months ago something they didn't listen to and now they've learned because they've discovered the consequences. 


I also got to spend the afternoon with some of my best friends, have lunch, watch a movie, take photos of the cat and make each other laugh.

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

Well he knows now! @tyme he needed to seek clarification and call Nan on the phone though

Re: Do You Want To Chat?

Nice @avant-garde !


Surprises surprises. Why not?


I'm glad they finally had to listen to you. Sometimes, people just learn the hard way. lol


Anything planned for the week?