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Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Former-Member all all 😊

I went through those patterns you shared yesterday SunShower - so awesome thank you! I LOVE the flip flop boots and have it bookmarked as a maybe for me one day. We came across a couple of the patterns. One of them (the yarnspirations) one I tried but got tripped up with the pattern. Love the Nana slippers with the pom pom also. I am having a giggle at going full-nana with the love birds 😆 The others are fab patterns I would like to try, but I have zero patience with lots of things right now so I found a basic tube sock style slipper boot and have added a few rounds of bpdc fpdc to the top of it to give it an elastic/ridged kind of trim, that worked up quickly. I might be able to sneak in a photo (and then take it down) when I have finished both pairs.

Those hand holding gloves are awesome! I would love to add something like that to my little gift. They can hold hands and snuggle under a blanket together with their matching slippers 😆😷 haha!

Hope that head pain has passed and your day is ok ❤

Re: Craft Corner

I have done the odd crafty thing. Tapestries, lots of sewing, lined curtains and jackets and coats.  A tiny bit of embroidery and crochet and knitting.  I love the atmosphere of sharing here.  I do not do digital photos yet. No phone.  All my photos are pre digital and only a little digital music.


Just saying hello.

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Re: Craft Corner

Lovely to see you here @Appleblossom . It is the sharing atmosphere that is keeping me here. I don't go where I'm not welcome, I feel welcome here and a couple of other places. Heart

I'd love to hear of any of your craft adventures, or of plans to do whatever whenever, no pressure. Sewing is so handy, so glad you sew. Don't be concerned about photos, I use an oldish itsy wee digital camera, 'cos - no phone here either.  

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Re: Craft Corner

@CheerBear How sweet of them, and how awesome of you to do something just so lovely for them. Heart When I chose most of those patterns I was thinking along the lines of you wanting a pattern for you and your little ones that you could just adapt sizewise, but it's all turned out super nicely.

The head pain is almost gone, thank you, had a really good rest last night and if I'm careful how I walk and don't open any doors into bright sunlight, Smiley Surprised Smiley Frustrated I should be good! 

Yes, and yes, when I want something done, and patterns get tricky and brain and fingers won't do what they're supposed to do, it's back to the old tried and true patterns for me too. Your stories make me smile, I live vicariously,Smiley WinkSmiley LOL because I cannot imagine what it would be like to have a sister/ mother/ aunt who was supportive like you are with your family. 

A quick sneak peak and then not would be really cool, can't wait. 

The hand holding gloves are just so sweet, hey. That pattern was the first I'd seen of them, gloves aren't really on my pattern radar. I did a search for 'crochet handholding glove pattern' and the amazing beauties that brought up. Who knew! Smiley Surprised 

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Re: Craft Corner

March is National Craft Month

Let's get our craft on!

@Phoenix_Rising @Catcakes @Appleblossom @CheerBear @Former-Member @TheVorticon  @Mazarita @TAB @Former-Member @Bubbles3 @Former-Member @Former-Member @Queenie @Shaz51 @Former-Member @BlueBay @Snowie and anyone else who would like to pop by and enjoy some crafty relaxation, distraction and chat. 

Crafting Plans for this month, always flexible and up for having to deal with those pesky winds of change though.
Finish the crochet Bruges Lace tabard thing.
Start the crochet Lacey Duster - yarn is chosen, sitting in my rocking chair waiting.
Sew a cover for that sponge stuff to make a floor cushion.
Sew a nightie for myself.
Sew the cover for that door screen so I can have the door open without being blinded by the light, and so busybodies can't see in. (Mostly so busybodies can't see in) Smiley Frustrated 

Anyone else have any ideas for projects ro things you'd like to do? We'd love to hear about it here, if you'd like to share that is. No pressure, we just enjoy the journey and the searching and finding of new interests and interesting things.  

Re: Craft Corner

Hey @Former-Member ☺

Glad to hear your head pain is almost gone and that you got a good rest last night!

Ooh a National Craft Month! This is exciting! I wonder who we might be able to encourage along? 😁

Love your plans and looking forward to seeing/hearing of them as you go. My plans are to do these socks and finish basket girl I think. Little plans for now. Mega dragon is still sitting there and may be for a while. I'd love to finish off his body because I think once I get that done the rest will be much easier. Another one I am finding tricky as it's made in a way I haven't really done before. Rather than continuous spiral rounds it's a slip stitch ch1 sc into the same stitch to start each round thing, which is making me lose count easily. The rounds also turns into rows sometimes to create a belly 'ridge', making it extra tricky to keep track I think. Hmmm, maybe that can be added to my to tackle this month list.

Nice to see you over here also @Appleblossom. I had a feeling you might have done some crafting 😊

Hope the day has been one of the good/good enough ones for you both (all)
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Re: Craft Corner

Encouraging crafting might be a useful super power I think @CheerBear , what do you think might work? Dropping yarn from great heights to see where it falls?  Thank you for your kind thoughts Woman Happy head is only a bit tender now if I jolt, so almost right again. 

Spreading glitter (eco friendly of course) trails to hidden treasure caches of all manner of craft activities. *thinks of beads with thread and threading needles; yarn with hooks, looms, needles; threads with shuttles for tatting; paper and glues and stuffs for quilling; embroidery things; weaving ... *

So many possibilities. 

@Phoenix_Rising glad to hear you are progressing on your crochet adventure! Really excited to see your new piece and how you've improved. I know you will have improved Smiley Wink

Can you tell me one day what brand your crochet hook is too please? Different brands of hooks favour different shapes to their 'head's and it's good to try a few and get a feel for which works for you. 

@Appleblossom I used to say that I'd do embroidery when I was old and sitting in my rocking chair as I just didn't seem to have the patience for it when there was so much else going on. Some years ago I took it up and embroidered mostly underwear to practice my skills, it was fun. Smiley Very Happy Holding a needle is almost impossible now, sadly. 

@CheerBear with that slip stitch thingy as you begin the next round, have you tried using a stitch marker to identify that beginning 'up' stitch? It's the only way I can find it on small things. If you dont' have any crochet stitch markers just thread a piece of other coloured yarn through it. 

I think there is a video to show how to do it ... will just have to hunt it down. Do please let me know if you still need help with it if I don't get the video before you're finished it. 

Are the belly ridges being done from 'short rows' ? that's a nother technique that would make sense to fill out and mark a dragon belly. You'd need markers for that too probably, or I do especially if I have to put it down and come back. Smiley Frustrated

Just an fyi - crochet stitch markers are different from some knitting stitch markers. With knitting you slip them from one needle to the other, so they are usually round rings with no break in them.

In crochet, you need to have a split ring marker so you can get them off the stitches/ work when no longer needed. That's why I like locking stitch markers.

You can make your own stitch markers too if you have jewellery clips of the type that you pull a lever to open and let it go to close. Everything needs to be super smooth so as not to catch on yarn though. 

Here's hoping the day is a pleasant one, or at least has some pleasant moments for everyone. Heart 

Re: Craft Corner

@Former-MemberThat is why I get my sewing box out maybe every 2nd year these days  .. lol .. Woman Tongue

Threading and holding needles ... not worth it, but once upon a time .. it was.




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Re: Craft Corner

Ah yes, I understand @Appleblossom maybe one day some one will invent a device that will hold the needle and allow us to enjoy that craft again. I do hope you get to enjoy other crafts. Heart

Re: Craft Corner

Oooh glitter trail sounds fun @Former-Member! I agree - so many possibilities 😊

Thanks for the tips. I use stitch markers and have found them essential for almost all of my projects. I think my problem is that at the moment lots of things feel kind of tricky and maybe this is one of them too. I am getting very grrr very easily and losing track of where I am with rows/stitches/patterns etc. - it's a challenge at the moment (which I guess makes it extra good feeling when I do finish something!). I'll find my groove again though, and keep chipping away until I do I think ☺

Belly ridges are short rows I think. You know your stuff!

Hope your day has been ok 💗