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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Zoe7 wrote:
Be assured that there will be people on here on throughout Christmas that will keep you company and although it is not the same as having company in person - it is company from people that care and understand what you are going through @aficionado.

I agree with you there. And in my experience, the only people who haven't judged me harshly have been others doing through similar issues, and my therapist anyway. So perhaps I should start considering the so-called 'regular' people as those from another dimension and actively avoid them, while increasing interaction with people who are fighting similar issues as me.


It is really great that you are now much better than you were 6 months ago, and are able to cope up better. And I am pretty sure you'd rather have a few good people in your life, instead of dozens of judgemental, hypocritical ones anyway. So maybe you are doing the right thing by actively avoiding human company.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@TAB wrote:
Faking can work @aficionado

Does it? I don't know, it hasn't really worked for me. But if it works for you, that's great!


I am just trying to be more productive during these days. Plenty of physical workouts at the gym, a few hours a day spent on improving my profesisonal skills, and occassional long drives by myself. And then, a healthy dose of music and video games as well. This is working out quite well for me!

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I'm in hospital this Xmas. It's my first time here in this hospital over Xmas. I've been in other ones over Xmas. I've never been away from my child since they were born though, over Xmas. They've decided to have their bday with us this year (that went really well) and Xmas with their dad. 

I've made it to Xmas eve now and I'm coping enough. I'm trying not to miss my child. 

A couple days ago I finally stopped shivering from shock and throwing up- from dealing with too much trauma at once from my past. It has been a hell of a last few weeks. I am only eating rice. A few grains at a time, so it takes me hours to eat 1/2 a cup. Otherwise I throw up. 

I remind myself I've survived 100% of my worst days so far. I remind myself I'm strong and this will pass. I try not to think ahead because I get too overwhelmed. 

I'll see my child through much of January (they will stay with me) but my wheelchair can't get downstairs to the kitchen, so I'm trying not to think about having my child with me cuz I haven't figured out how I'll feed them successfully all that time. They can help slightly but not much. I can't think about that. Too overwhelming. 




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Re: Christmas Loungeroom



Hello everyone

I'm cleaning more than fun

But hopefully worth it

Got visitors arriving tonight

Have a party this arvo, making up a Rice Lentil salid to take.

Almost feels Christmassy 🙂

Got a gift for you TAB - see next post 🙂



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Re: Christmas Loungeroom



hehehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Bahumbug! lol


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Good morning all. Happy Christmas eve to you.

I have read a few stories this morning on here and it reminded me of how Christmas can be bitter-sweet for us all. I'm in that camp too.

I hope some form of peace or happiness can make itself known to you over the Christmas break.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @Twerp  you don't know me but I've been on the forums a few years now.  Very sorry to hear what you are going through.  Is there any way you can sleep downstairs so you don't have to deal with the stairs with your wheelchair?  Perhaps a social worker or occupational therapist at the hospital you're in would have some solutions for you - might be worth asking to talk to them.


Good morning everyone else passing by here 

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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hello everyone.  I see lots of new faces here ... how lovely to see you all.  Along with all the familiar faces too.

Christmas is hard for so many of us, and so much seems to be happening.  This is a bad christmas for me, and I am finding it terribly hard to muster up any feeling of enthusiasm at all.  Right now I think I just need some company and maybe some reassurance that things will improve. Ahhhh ... nah ... shouldnt bring the mood down here.  I'd best go elsewhere.  Sorry ...

I'm hoping you all have the best Christmas and New Year possible for you to have.


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Stay here @Former-Member It is a thresd for those struggling with christms as well as a place to get together over this period. Please feel free to vent here if it helps and feel the connection of people that get it with you.

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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

To Everyone,


Whatever is beautiful. Whatever is meaningful. Whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.


I'm just leaving some gifts under the tree.  Should be enough for all.

Thanks @Zoe7.  May be back later, will see how I go.
