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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Zoe7, thank you, you're such an encouragement. Eventually peeled myself off the couch and started a wardrobe declutter. Got two garbage bags for charity and one box.  That's pretty good for me. 

@TAB, glad to read you're feeling more settled. Loved reading about your early morning walk encounters lol. I should walk with you, maybe next year lol


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Yeah walk this way @Former-Member 😸

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

That is great work @Former-Member and knowing you have things for charity makes it extra special Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Thanks @Zoe7 & @TAB,
V-E-R-Y hot here ;(. Took dad out for coffee, he's getting so frail, its sad. Close friend joined us but then announced she's off to have dinner with a a past mutual friend who really hurt me recently. I feel betrayed, like it doesn't matter the damage inflicted,.. Yet at the same time, why do they rub it in my face, I don't need to know. Then she asks f she can stay next Friday on her travels back north. Its hard to just zip it & act like professional with friends, I'm more reap than that, grates my values I guess. Anyone else have trouble with this kind of thing? Bloody relationships - the hardest thing to get rightvon the planet, Probably depression filter but it makes me feel
- irrelivant (invalid), invisible
- used (& emotionally abused)
- unloved
- alone
- deflated...

There! feels better now that's out.
This timevof year must be so much better for those of you with kids and loving family around.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hearing you @Former-Member This friend should have not said where they are going - that was just hurtful - no wonder you feel as you do. Sometimes people just don't think - or forget but if they know why you don't have a friendship with this other person anymore then that is even harder to take. It seems this friend either does not recognise the hurt caused or they can't understand from your perspective - either way they don't have that insight and that doesn't help you. Some people can't look at a situation from someone else's perspective so don't be hard on yourself or your friend hon - it is not worth you even thinking about.


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Not sure how they could do that @Former-Member I dunno can’t you do anything or how do they see what they are doing?
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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Thanks&TAB, and @Soe7, fr valitating me, dont get much ofcthatvin reap life. They shouldn't have said and yes I do think its a game to them and this person gets off on seeingbme squirm / or flinch. When I jokingly said "not the enemy" they rolled their eyes back - still not validating or acknowledging. I don't know if they know the truth and think it would fall on deaf ears. They could ask my side but don't.

I see friendship different these days, not just black and white, clothes we or estranged, but different rent levels pf closeness. Like were surrounded by gold rings an friends have to earn theirvlevel of cloceness, and I am in control with evaluating which ring they dwell in in my stratesphere. Nobody gets into the inner circle these days but t God. This sbis helingvme cope with rejection & betrayal better. Or me have freedom of choice to behave how they do, in a broken world. Some don't mean to hurt others do, so, being a slow learner andctrusting giver, I've been hurt much, this is my new strategy to distance from it. Just a makes me a minute to regroup.

Thanks for listening.
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Re: Christmas Loungeroom




Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I was just talking with someone else about trust and relationships @Former-Member and you seem to describe it well with the rings around us. We only let in those we truly trust and that becomes harder the more we have been hurt or let down. I am glad you have here to vent and that we can validate how you are feeling for you. It is not an easy world we live in but we need to trust ourselves first I think - and that too seems difficult some days. Be true to yourself and others will hopefully one day follow that same truth - if not then maybe they are not worth being in your life.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I'm sorry you are hurt @Former-Member I mostly dont have much to do with people except basic interractions these days. people can grow apart or get too casual with feelings maybe. Or just let it go as @Zoe7 said