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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

So. Besides that, instead of worrying about no work will ring a few places, and make drs, dentists appts etc. and work on my 2019 Plan 😬😸 @Zoe7

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Boo Fru @Former-Member 🍰😸😎🎩 can I get you a coffee? Having one now

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

You sound more positive today @TAB - maybe it is the walk that got you up and going. I just had a quick nap - was feeling very tired - think it has made a difference but still slow in getting mving myself this morning. Waiting to hear about going out today - might be for lunch or dinner so will have to wait and see - I am hoping for lunch so I can watch the 20/20 game tonight.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

It was sleep I guess @Zoe7 re more positive. Had been feeling crap phys and mentally last few days so just resorted to sleep as default position. Slept like a log 8hrs last nite after nap during day. Eyes still buggered most aches still there just how I see it. As in will have to do something instead of just dwelling on/in it.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Yeah saw a bit of t20 last night. They don’t broadcast many games here, and when they do, annoying banners saying its free @Zoe7 lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Sleep does help @TAB but not good about the aches still being there. Hopefully they will get easier throughout the day - we more learn to deal with them than them going away though - still hope they ease for you today.

I need to do a shop too but can't be bothered getting that organised - need to write a list which will mean going through the cupboards and fridge to see what is needed. I know I am out of most things or nearly out so a list is important.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

We have been having a game on every night over the last week when they have been on @TAB The Hobart Hurricanes play tonight and it is televised here. Not going to this game so will watch it on tv instead.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Main bother is new one that won’t go away and gets worse very easily. Its work related from months ago. Just never had enough recovery time now its set in. Talked to a guy few wks ago had similar thing, he’s better now but took physio and months off work. Yes unpaid as I will be. Might try sickness benefit somehow @Zoe7 easier for me re shop. Cupboards empty lol. Microwaving potatoes last night to shut stomach up lol . Was yum tho. Butter and salt. Anyway get your taste and go do something lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I love new potatoes with butter and salt and pepper - can eat a bowl of them ...much like carrots lol @TAB Yeah better get my butt into gear soon and get some things done - too busy playing on here at the moment lol Definitely will put the shopping off today if I go to the Taste.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Honey carrots so decadent @Zoe7 enjoy Taste I thought you meant something else before saw on tv lol