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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Ah to have no hair @TAB

I shaved it off when psychosis hit, though not down to the nub. Woman Wink ha ha


(Shout-out to @overlander. Bugger! System won't bring your name up OLR. It happened to me a couple of times before. Will leave you a msg on Xmas Lounge)


Edit: Thought I'd leave the above sentence in to prove how stoopid I can get at this time of night @outlander 😛


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Might hit the hay @TAB and @outlander

Brain fog due to sugar overdo I think.



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Lol @Hope4me goodnight

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

ok @Hope4me thanks for chatting am vaguing here on way too much salt and sugar. I tried a condensed milk coffee earlier, cos saw on tv, well had it on caravan adventure 5 ish years ago and thought good. Hmm tonights version was sickly beyond lol had to throw half of it out after trying more coffee and water to get rid of sweetness lol   

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Hope4me We do what we can when we can Hon and if that helps out others then that is a good thing. Hope the humidity is not too much for you today Smiley Very Happy

@Former-Member We will have a NYE party thread so we can include NYE resolutions if we like there. I'll organise the thread closer to NYE and make sure I incude you too Smiley Very Happy

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @tisme welcome to the forums if you're new here.  Glad you have found us.  Hoping your dental pain has diminished by now.  I'm replying to your post from yesterday and haven't caught up on all the posts since than but hope you've received supports here that have been helpful.  Sometimes just getting out what's going on helps in itself.

I want to let you know I started a thread called 'Anyone Started with the NDIS?' which chronicles my journey with them and eventual success in being accepted (for 'psychosocial' disability - complex PTSD and bipolar 1) and goes on to talk about issues with putting supports in place.  You can talk to me anytime there about any and all NDIS stuff.  Many other people have contributed to the discussion and there are lots of useful hints and tips and resources talked about there.  Look forward to hearing from you and hope today is one of the better ones for you.


Not applicable

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

feeling a bit all over the place todayfeeling a bit all over the place today

 Thanks @Zoe7, ull keep an wye out for the NYE party thread. Gone a bit flat since visitors left yesterday, empty maybe. Threel ppl tried to ring but I just glared at the phone and couldn't answer, like an out of body experience watching the world from another demention. But still function, put bins out, watch TV, big bake off of left over meat & frozen. Just can't interact. Easier typing. Anyway, try not to worry nowadays - it will pass. Christmas is aa big trigger. Hope you're doing OK?



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

That is the festive season for many @Former-Member - go easy on yourself - you have gotten through it and that is important.

I'll tag you into the NYE thread when I start it - should be a fun night for those online at the time. I was trying to talk my sister into going out for it but don't think she was too keen - some great musicians playing at a local event this year but we can make our own concert on here lol

I am doing okay - very tired after the last busy week but mentally feeling okay and that is a good thing. I get that all over the place feeling though - give yourself time to get over this little period and hopefully you can get a little more focus -  and of course we are here for you too EOR Smiley Very Happy

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hey Mr. Tabby Cat - I see you there @TAB What is on the agenda for you today?

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Lol since when did I have an agenda @Zoe7 ok a constructive one lol
Good Morning. Just went for 45min walk. Legs saying thankyou as feel veins in legs throbbing. Um thinking shower then food shop at cheaper better farther supermarket so that will mean petrol. Saw a few people one on push mower, one watering in pyjamas ok 6am ish lol. Feeling a lot better mentally today. Things seem to be making more sense. Anyway thinking silly day today lol. What about you?