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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

nice to hear you've had a good day. yesterday and today @Zoe7

Hello @eth, @Hope4me, @TAB, @utopia

Hello @Serenity1, @JoJo99, @Jo

hello @Chase, @Former-Member, @Harvey , @Jinxed, @CheerBear , @Peri , @Former-Member, , @Sans911 , @Artvandalay , @Sadboy , @BearFacts, @frog , @Tebbutt , @Nay69 , @Timmse, @tisme , @Katsstar , @Lonely , @cats_pajamas , @Matthew , @Erica , @Jane88 , @Lost101 @Lost1 @recovery, @Xavier

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @Shaz51  hope you've had a restful day for a change xx


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

hi all, well xmas eve i battled what i thought was tooth ache but now im thinking mebee it was tmj, xmas day was ok , the pain was back again today , 9 also forgot to put out the bins.  getting geared up for a fight with NDIS over mental health .  ( MH is one of the things i was accepted for) but for what i wonder?? i cant see my psychiatrist because I cant get there ( due to arthritis) thats deemed medical not disaiblity.  i cant do half the things i used to which all goes to feed the depression  i live in a house so close to neighbours i cant stand it , ( why did we move here ?? because it was the first house available close to the shops etc.). people just dont understand or care how such things can cause such depression n stuff

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

i am @eth, feeling like doing nothing xx, how are you

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@tisme, you are not alone my friend

we are here for you 24/7 anytime you like to talk HeartHeart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Re: Christmas Loungeroom



okay here we go , ( me letting it all out ) im tired beyond tired, i hurt i do things i shouldnbe because theres no one else. i fear the future so much i feel sick. ive cared for so many for so long theres just me n daughter left now but she needs caring , she is autistic etc, legally 34 emotionally I dunno , she bought an aquaman poster and wonder woman /captain america stuff for xmas. like i said we are so close to neighbours I cant stand it hasnt bothered me as much while busy looking after mum who died march this was always there at the back of my mind but now .........i cant drive far now , if daughter isnt home i cant open the garage door. if by some act of god we found another house we couldnt afford the move i couldnt pack or clean the rent here takes up nearly all my pension  the neighbourhood jailbaits do cart wheels off our front fence the timber is rotten ( thier mum watches them do it ) i tried waving when we first moved in but was ignored.  i realise what a farce the whole mental health system is the government plays with us.  if they can put u in lock down at the local ER or mhu and pump u full of pills that is thier version of fixing things. actually doing anything practical yes well 

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@tisme You are right that so many don't understand (or want to know) about those living with mental illness. There is still so much stigma attached to it and most of what people think is pure conjecture as they don't care to find out more. 

It is lovely that you have joined us here in the Christmas Loungeroom though and as @Shaz51 has said - we are here for you. Hope your toothache eases again for you and you feel a little better as a result.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

It really does sound like it is not a pleasant environment where you live @tisme. ...and caring for your daughter must take up so much of your time. Added to that are all your own health worries and the loss of your mother earlier in the year and that makes it extra hard. Thinking of you @tisme and listening.Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Thanks for getting in touch. A little weepy but coping, keeping busy with chores to keep the loneliness at bay.