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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Maybe it was yesterday @TAB - the last few days have been a bit blurry for me too lol

Glad you got the phone call with your dad out of the way and it went okay. Sorry to hear you are feeling crap again today - hope that eases for you as the day goes on. I don't mind hearing that you aren't doing too well as you said - I did ask - I wish that you were doing better but it is what it is hey. Life is just sucky sometimes. I will be around for a little while tonight so I'll check in with you then.

Hope your day improves for you Mr. Tabby Cat Cat Happy

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

It's on free-to-air here @TAB - sucks that you don't have it there. Yes it is BBL - going to watch the Hobart Hurricanes = think they are playing Melbourne Stars. 3 of the people I am going with are from Melbourne so that should be a fun experience lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I’ll look. Think only WBBL and tests free to air now ok some BBL def none other nite saw wbbl in passing commentators said mens after. Wasn’t so on tv guide. @Zoe7 Enjoy It !

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Well Ive taken pain relief ok supermarket style not working, did stretch haven’t done in ages, bum to wall then legs up wall, was stress ball literally struggled to get shoulders on floor at start. Feel better for it. Talking myself into being happy now 😸 @Zoe7

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi everyone .


 Round 2 - brunch for 7 - happened this morning and went pretty smoothly.  Managed to break the ice a bit with Mum by asking her about her recently replaced knee.  I can feel how much she wants to engage with me, but I haven't got much to offer her.  She asked about new grandchild and I answered her briefly - feel like she wanted to ask me a lot more but I deflected the topic.  Still found it quite draining and have had a wee nap since.

Round 3 - dinner for 12 - will happen later today.  Meanwhile I'll help bro make spanakopita and then help sil arrange antipastou platters.  And help with doing the table and cleaning up.  Haven't been co-opted to cook anything today.

Round 5 will be brunch tomorrow for the enlarged clan and then round 6 will be THE FEAST mid-afternoon tomorrow.  For that I've made bread and will do salsa verde for the fish and a large green salad with a yummy dressing I found a recipe for.

So all in all I'm pacing myself so far and hope to continue in this mode.


Sending warm wishes to all who are struggling this time of year.  I get it.  I've hardly shared more than a couple of Christmases in the last 20 or so years.  It's a challenge for me this year, to say the least.  Best wishes for gentle and peaceful time to all.  

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

you may like this thread too Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi everyone Heart

  1. Presents wrapped
  2. Food bought
  3. Menu organised
  4. Just need to get it all ready tomorrow


Just need to rest up and get better before tomorrow 

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Pre cooking @BlueBay ? Enlist some help?
Not applicable

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Along with all the usual Christmas difficulties I have I am now sick with a severe chest infection Christmas is going so well

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I will get help @TAB

hubby can help clean the house tonight 

and tomorrow he will help me with salads