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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

 @TAB How about ... Maybe some of your family stress is unconsciously needing to bridge the English channel and not all due to your supposed bad choices.

Tho I dont doubt you been a bad boy at times.


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

How about picking up that guitar @TAB  put it down when you crack it and then pick it up again ... 

or something ....

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

😸🤔 yep @Zoe7 ok tell me what I should be doing over next at least 2mths of improbable and day here or there work lol. Have couple way better jobs in theoretical pipeline. And so would need to be ringing thing, pushing my boat and getting off fat A re physical tests that would be part of process. Ok I know the answers maybe. Just feel hamstrung by rental house re possible interstate work. Prob just better off trying to get on sickness benefits and or rehab .. lol .. sorta

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I did some bad bad things @Appleblossom .. to my self mostly. Anyway. German father and 3 siblings left now. In very limited contact with him , limited contact with one brother and other one catching up and nothing re sister who is executor. And 2/3 are rich the other one just well off and permanent govt job. I dont know where I’m going unless somewhere really Bad and well hmm 😀😬

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Oh dear @Appleblossom Im hopeless re that except talk. Mate trys to twist my arm still even this year re geetar

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Talk has its limits @TAB


Maybe its something else entirely.


But doing rather than over thinking sounds wise.


I dont see "success" as a sign of virtue, but also need to be watch naivety re down and outs.





Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Ooh ah @applebosom @Appleblossom Hard but true. How is your guitar?

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I played for a bit about 12 years ago before my son took it up. I would give you one of ours, but they are actually his. We have 3 acoustic and one electric and a violin.

It is non symmetrical and no good for my neck, and that was also we only had the steel string and my fingers were not calloused in the right places ... lol


Last song enjoyed on it was 


Umbrellas of Cherbourg


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Ok well Matons were on dream list ok 30yrs ago @Appleblossom sort of muso, mostly works for a living tho guy met through work 11yrs ago said recently its better to start with something good. Says that held him back re crappy axes .. dunno

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Good Student level is good enough.  I almost dislocated wrist playing my brothers as a kid.  Strings too high ... but also a there can be the problem of blaming the tool rather than learning the craft ... it can cut both ways ... 


My son is fussy, but barely touches them except sometimes transcriptions of bach ... 


Music appreciators are always welcome, but I believe strongly in the value of making music ...