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Re: Christian Chat

Gosh @Rosemary4 please ring if it continues πŸ’žπŸ™

Re: Christian Chat

thanks, its settling. 

Haveyou been crying today?

It's hard when you can't sit with loved ones during crisis 

Re: Christian Chat

Yes I'm not coping particularly well now that I'm alone @Rosemary4 


I'm glad it's settled x



Re: Christian Chat


Re: Christian Chat

Yes πŸ˜” @Rosemary4 

Re: Christian Chat

Arevyou recently divorced? empty nest? Moved into new dwelling alone? or something? Did i read somewhere you have older kids at home? (my brain muddles details sorry)

Re: Christian Chat

Divorced 20 years ago. Son lives with me but he has support worker with him at present. I'm in bed waiting on a call from my mum or the hospital @Rosemary4. I work full timebuttook today off.

Not applicable

Re: Christian Chat

That sounds a little scary, I hope you're feeling better now @Rosemary4  and if things don't feel right that you have someone close by who can check in on you. πŸ’œ

Re: Christian Chat

Glad you're having a day off. Can you go for a walk while support worker with your boy?

Re: Christian Chat

Waiting is hard
the not knowing

feeling powerless...