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Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Hi @NikNik

I can't believe this is for me. I am crying, i am hurting. Even though what you have written is so nice to me, for me, I find it hard to believe that I am a strong person.

I really don't feel strong at all,

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Agreeing completely! your courage is amazing and you have a lot of inner strength @BlueBay



Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Yes, I agree too, so much courage xx @BlueBay

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

I agree @Angels333, @NikNik, @Former-Member, @Drac0

You are strong @BlueBay HeartHeartHeart


Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Whos awesome.jpg


This week I would like to celebrate the wonderful @Shaz51 . I don't need to link any of her great posts, because they are everywhere 🙂

She is awesome because:

- She shares her wisdom with those in both the Carers Forum and Lived Experience

- She keeps members company in threads like 'Night Shift' and 'Friday Feast'

- She is open about her own experiences to benefit others

Thank you Shaz51 - we're very lucky to have you around Smiley Very Happy

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

So very true @NikNik
You are awesome @Shaz51

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Oh @NikNik, thank you ,

Everyone on the Sane forum have helped me soo much over the year , I have been encouraged , and my Hubby can see the differnce in me

So i want to thank everyone for your support HeartHeart

And @NikNik, I totally love the picture of the puppy

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

@Shaz51 you are awesome. Arlo agrees! I LOVE how caring you are. When you write to me I feel like I can relax.

Anne x

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Hello my friend @PeppiPatty, you are awesome tooHeartHeart

how is Arlo today ?? he is famous , he has his photo on the forum xx

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

thank you @Former-Member, I will be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow , sending you hugs