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Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Steps to be awesome.jpeg




This week I'd like to acknowledge @Drac0 for their awesome responses. If you haven't seen Drac0 around, you can learn more about them here

Drac0, I have really admired the way you have been so open, empathetic and supportive you have been since you have joined the community 🙂

I hope we have you around the place for a long time!

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

I agree @NikNik

thankyou @Drac0 for you comment and support

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Thank you @NikNik & @Shaz51.


WOW. Certainly not something I expected or looking for. Just happy to be able to give something back & maybe help others a little. And maybe I can get a little support for myself along the way too. Become pretty comfortable discussing my own issues having had my story out there for the world to see for a number of years. I guess it makes it easier for me to discuss things with others. And I've always found it easier to talk with those who have been there, the understanding is just so much better.


Hope I can live up to the hype. Smiley Wink


As usual, take care all.



Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Hi @Shaz51 and @NikNik

I agree too. I've been reading some of her messages. With sweet @BlueBay and her thread. Jeepers kreepers, she has certainly set up the right empathetic approach. Caring.

But also, @Shaz51 throughout the whole time I have known you, you do make sure I'm included and your positive approach 


Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

No pressure, @Drac0 Smiley Very Happy

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Ty @PeppiPatty


Just one minor detail, while I don't know if it's good or not that I come off as being on the other side, I am all MALE! Smiley LOL

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Huh? Yeah, I know. Sometimes my left handed hands write wrong.  but I have somethings to write to you and will probably start up another thread to include @Strugglingmum and her dillema 

What should we call Struggling mums thread and her situation??

Ille get back to say what its going to be called. Any ideas?

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

@Strugglingmum and @Drac0 @Shaz51

I have started up another thread so @Strugglingmum feels safer on her times of insecurities.......


Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

This week I want to celebrate the never give up attitude of @BlueBay

You are stonger than you think.jpg

All through the horrible experiences you have had, you keep getting back up and pushing through.

You show so much courage and strength.


Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Got to agree with @NikNik.


You have shown so much courage over the last few weeks @BlueBay. It's been far from easy, but each day you get up & keep going no matter what it brings. Be proud of yourself, we're all there with you.


Take care, stay safe.