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Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

welcome beach.jpg

I wanted to celebrate a new(ish) member today! 


@AmiRemixed 🙂

I stumbled across their story this morning and was blown away by the honesty, openess and wisdom. Check it out if you haven't already.

What else I really like about AmiRemixed (which is an awesome name) is the bits and pieces of encouragement and insight they have sprinkled throughout the forums.

Welcome @AmiRemixed 🙂 You're such a valued member of this community!

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

To all the lovely ladies on here, @hiddenite@PeppiPatty@Mazarita@Appleblossom@chookmojo@Crazy_Bug_Lady@Shaz51@Terry, @Former-Member, @Former-Member all the moderators and other ladies on this forum Happy valentines day.


I hope you all have a nice day filled with joy and happyness.


To the ladies mentioned, thank you so much for all the support you have given me over the past year, you all are very dear to me, thank you all for just being yourselves.


take care



Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Oh wow @Jacques

Thankyou Thankyou.....can I send you and all my friends something?? Mine ..framed in silver and wood......slightly ripped  piece of paper...a print of pressed flowers......

Happy Valentines us, to Moderators.  To our loved ones.....

@Sakeuropuss AmiRemixed @Lucky2015 @Simack 

@hiddenite, @CannonSalt @Mazarita, @Appleblossom, @chookmojo, @Crazy_Bug_Lady, @Shaz51, @Terry, @aButterfly, @lisajane @JaneDoe1 @RoseRuby @MoonGal @Bella  @Chris @Ellie @Aeonoron 




tumblr_muntwdqghT1qf91zfo1_500.pngLove PP

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Thanks so much, @JacquesHeart

A Valentines wish for you...

Valentines Wish

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Thank you @Jacques @PeppiPatty and @Mazarita

Thats my nicest start to valentine's day yet.  Heart

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

thank you @Jacques

A Valentines wish for you.. @Appleblossom, @NikNik, @Mazarita; @PeppiPatty HeartHeart

flower 2.jpg

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)



This week I'd like to celebrate and thank @mrkotter for sharing their amazing story and treatment regime.

mrkotter, thank you for sharing in such detail. I know hearing you story will give a lot of people ideas, inspiration and hope.


Thank you!

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

@NikNik thanks. I feel lucky that not only that I have the ability to share but that others might find it useful.

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

This week I want to celebrate @Ali585

If you haven't read it already - have a read of their inspiring story of perseverance and strength here

Welcome to the Forums Ali585 🙂

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Thanks. I'm glad to be here. It's good to be able to share and be heard.