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Re: Best Friends Club


Breathe right? Just focus on the coffee and the puzzle right?

I'm going to see if the cat has come out from hiding



Nobody saw this did they? 


Re: Best Friends Club

Oh noooo @Gremlin24 how utterly exhausting and overwhelming!! Blah indeed. I hope you have smooth floors and you're not ending up with rug burns on your knees!! 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx bedrooms and lounge room are carpet the rest of the house is vinyl flooring. I don't know how babies crawl without being in pain cos my knees aren't liking it 😂.

Re: Best Friends Club

Aww hun @Gremlin24 ouuuuch!! You need some knee pads or something by the sounds of it!! 


Haha have you seen these lil mop suits for babies? Put em to work while they crawl around lol 


Re: Best Friends Club

Pads on their hands and knees @Jynx , @Gremlin24 😁

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 @Jynx oh I definitely need that. This feeling isn't easing but I really don't want to have to go to hospital 😕

Re: Best Friends Club

Hehe precisely @Shaz51! Teehee

How you travelling today hun? 

Re: Best Friends Club

Oof @Gremlin24 that is a tough spot to be sitting in! I hate that kind of 'limbo' feeling that it can bring.


Maybe set yourself a lil check in time, like say, 'in 30 min or in an hour, if I don't feel better I will head to hospital' or something like that? 


Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that 🥺🤞

Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx it's horrible. I feel sick, dizzy and like I'm not really here. The heart rate is 176bpm and the oxygen levels are sitting in the 80's. I've been saying I'll give myself 30 minutes since 4pm 😂


I don't want do be a human pin cushion and be pumped full of things when nothing helps. It's just a crappy situation to be in. 

Re: Best Friends Club

Aye @Gremlin24 never a tempting prospect, is it. I don't want you to end up a pincushion either!!