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Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n @Gremlin24 @TAB 

whole load of information, need to break it down and process.


  • My lungs are fine, she said "your lungs aren't just half decent, they're beyond decent"
  • Your voice box plays a part in your breathing. The air flows through your voice box to get to your lungs.
  • My voice box is spasming, partly due to anxiety.
  • Referred to speech pathologist to teach my voice box to relax
  • Referred to physiotherapist to teach me to breathe during exercise
  • No medication just learning how to breathe...
  • She invalidated my allergy saying "it's not confirmed"
  • Confirmation would mean having a severe reaction and going to hospital during said reaction to confirm reaction. I would be dead by then.

Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde take your time to process everything, we are always here for you. 


That's great news about your lungs. Hopefully the speech pathologist will help you. Frustrating the she invalidated the allergy concern, if you wanted to test that reaction you could sit in the hospital carpark and consume whatever it is that causes the reaction, then you are at least right at the hospital to get help should it cause issues (I've heard of parents doing this with young kids trying foods for the first time). 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Gremlin24 given how hospital emergency departments treat me I wouldn't hold out hope in them actually saving my life, the staff would actually have to care first. Her opinion of my allergy is just frustrating.

Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde one would hope that they would do everything in their power to save you should you be in that situation. I'm sorry that she made you feel that way. 

Re: Best Friends Club


I walked out with a concussion because they said "it's not a seizure, you're faking it".

Sorry I'm getting angry and frustrated at the sheer idea of hope in this states emergency medical system.

I appreciate your positivity [edited by moderator]

I would rather not discuss the failed medical system here.

Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde I'm sorry to hear of your experiences. We don't have to talk about it anymore. 


Have you got any plans for the rest of the day? 

Re: Best Friends Club

okay, interesting @avant-garde  I had a thyroid nodule removed a couple years ago. I was wrapped around nerves for vocal chords. When surgeon rang for check up they only wanted to know about that. must have been bothering them. I passed out a few times and fell heavily last year as could not breathe. I got given exercises to do for throat from dr. I think what helped most was studying, as I talked for a few hours once a fortnight, as opposed to not speaking as live on my own and dont really go out

Re: Best Friends Club

@Gremlin24 library for a while researching politicians, then home, you?

Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde hope the researching goes well. I got nothing on now that my inspection is done. 

Re: Best Friends Club

@TAB so talking helps? that's ironic, I'm really good at suffering in silence