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Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi

hmm fair enough @creative_writer  I just finished a course did last year. I applied for a few jobs, got feedback from 2 that I would have had the job if I were in Adelaide (am in country in house I own and been adopted by stray cat who is a  bit damaged.)

had I taken job,would have been unfair to cat, ie abandoning it and I would have had to get accom for at least 5nights a week . prob would have quit /been sacked already, had like 6 medical appts recently as well, and not things I could put off. 

people I asked seem to be in 2 camps, career  and ignore cat or dont do it. I wish there was an acceptable option just to get experience, even for 6 mths maybe. Think I was putting myself under pressure and would have cracked.

Hopefully you find a way of making it work for you

Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi

@TAB I graduated in December, so it hasn’t been that long. I went away for a bit after my graduation. I was on student payments until my course end date and did not spend too much time actively looking for a job while I was studying. I was studying full time and was struggling to manage my physical and mental health. Applying for a job felt like an additional job when I was already managing my uni workload. I did not want to drop to part studies because I wanted to graduate.

It does sound like the cat is lucky to have you 🐈. They do need a lot of attention and love, especially those who have had a difficult past. Finances can be tough, I hope things get easier for you too 💖

Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi



How are you this morning ? 


Would you like me to write up my will for you without the garble of my words in it ?

Perhaps you can print it out ? 

A legal person wrote it up for me. 


How about later today I send it anyway ?

My oldest son just flew into Perth. He is ( sorry everyone ) the most intelligent man I have met. But he doesn't see --- as he shouldn't --- how my mum stole him when he was 15 and kept up a disgust to me for years. 


I need to just wait. He did say he really loves me. 


We spoke of this emptiness inside himself he's struggled with for years and loneliness. 


To recognise this. - I feel this widening of my own self opening up. 



He filled it wrongly in the past but then he went to University. Today he has a very big hex bill he will be paying off for years. 




@Oaktree @creative_writer @TAB 

@Glisten @Gremlin24 

Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi

@creative_writer  I finished my course end of Nov. At least now I have got certs, finished course( was applying a month b4 finished) and have an idea of where I stand in the job market.

Yeah cat is a dependent lol.

Am tapping into super to get by. I have an Inheritance coming from O/S been 2 years and legal fees so far, but could be a reasonable amount. I was more concerned with trying to get experience, then work only when it suited me. With paying for accom and travel ,would not have been making much anyway, plus would lose pension concessions if worked more than 12 weeks in a row . Ok am on jobseeker but had pension healthcare card last 7 years

Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi

..heavy @PeppyPatti 

Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi

@creative_writer my aircon has been on quite a bit lately. 


Hope you have a good day 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

Ok, I need some help with something and I'm going to be blatantly honest. Talking about this makes me really anxious but here goes. 


Growing up I developed these trauma habits, I used to have rubbish all over the floor and barricade my doorway with clothes so I could hear people come in and felt more protected. 


Since December I haven't known when the next inspection date would be and 3 weeks ago I got the dates for this year's inspections, once a month. 

I had developed good habits when it was every month, taking the bin out and putting things away, but with being hypervigilant for 8 weeks not knowing when I had no energy to or routine to do my regular tasks. 

Let's throw in all the stress I've been under and trying so hard just to survive and cope...


So those old habits have emerged and it's all a bit overwhelming. 

I have bags of rubbish around, mouldy bananas, dirty dishes in the sink and haven't put stuff away that it's still in baskets around my tiny unit. 


I need some accountability, I have a week until my next inspection and I just need someone to keep me accountable...

Don't worry I'm asking someone in real life too but you guys understand these habits more than she does. 


  • Take all the rubbish out to get to the wardrobe
  • Actually put my clothes away and not on the computer chair
  • Put the bathers into space bag so I use that spot for storage
  • Swap out the boring boxes for the cute cat and dog ones
  • Change my sheets
  • Clear the spot where the laundry used to go in the cupboard
  • Clear my desk and make it look "uncluttered"
  • Put the coffee grinder away and replace with the clear stackable things I got
  • Empty the baskets into storage cubes
  • Put the things that need to go to other people in the baskets
  • Do the dishes

Today I will tackle the rubbish

When I get home from laundry I will take 1 bag out per tv show

I count 7 bags and 2 mixed with other stuff

Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @avant-garde ,


Thank you for sharing. I totally get where you are coming from. 


I don't have house inspections, but it's only when I HAVE to tidy up that I do... like when people are coming over. I guess that is the incentive to tidy up?


I can see what a mammoth task you have ahead of you. I can also see how you have broken down the task into smaller mini-tasks which, I guess, makes it more achieveable?


Good on you for setting goals in taking out 1 bag per TV show! What a good way to do it!


All the best, tyme


I'm not saying you are a germophobe or hoarder, but some of the strategies in the following thread may be helpful: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum? 

Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi

@PeppyPatti I can’t imagine how much heartache that would’ve caused you and him. Sending you hugs 💖🫂

@TAB I finished at the end of November too but graduated in December. Centrelink does discontinue your payments once you earn a certain amount and that amount isn’t much. Though, I rather not rely so much on the system. Working does give you a sense of purpose and gives you something to do.

@Gremlin24 I hope today goes well for you 💖. Feeling rather lightheaded, probably did too much going up and down. I have POTs

Re: Best Friends Club - Popping by to Say Hi

Thanks @creative_writer . Take it easy. I know that feeling all too well of being light-headed.