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Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx omg i haven't heard that song for years and now it's going to be stuck in my head 😂.


Not sure you'd find me at any event so I think I'm safe from breaking out into song 😂

Re: Best Friends Club

@Gremlin24 ahahaha you do that too? 

I still cannot hear the words 'What is love?' without my brain screaming OH BABY DON'T HURT ME 🤣

Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx oh that's definitely me too. I'm constantly singing random songs after hearing a part of the lyrics being said even if it's just in a conversation 😂.

Re: Best Friends Club

Haha call it 'Compulsive Automatic Karaoke Disorder' @Gremlin24 🤣🤣


I'm off!! Nighty night!!

Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx another thing to add to my list of diagnoses 😂.


Night night 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

Evie plushieEvie plushie


Look who I won today...

Says the person who has been trying to successfully grab it for a month...

I was in line at the post office just hugging it... I don't care that people stared at me...






Re: Best Friends Club

I'm so in the silence area on the mat here .... 

Iv never watched Buffy yet many many people have told me how wonderful it is. 


In 2003 I got hooked on the Sopranos and.  ..  ......... I think I may be ready to venture out in the world of other tv shows once iv watched the last two DVDs one or two more times.         .....

Re: Best Friends Club


Persistence for the win!  The people staring probably just wanted their own to hug 🫂

Re: Best Friends Club


I won a Pikachu when I was homeless last year, I was having a horrible day and saw the machine and tried. It made me smile last year. 

It's interesting that I was having a bit of a bad day today and today was when I finally won Evie...

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 @PeppyPatti @Oaktree @MJG017 @Gremlin24 


I'm not normally inclined to do these sociable bits that don't seem to have any particular topic, but here goes


How are you? Any plans for the day? How hot is it where you are? 


I was considering going to the movies and getting a new battery for my heirloom watch but I woke up and just want to be a homebody today and just watch tv and maybe go through some stuff I rescued from the storage unit. 

I'm slightly more lonely today and should really eat something


It is 31 degrees in my unit and I'm still in love with my Evie plushie