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Re: Best Friends Club

@PeppyPatti thankyou for your kind words. I've been put down enough in life to know what it feels like and how much it hurts. I would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings especially when it can take so much courage to just share what they have done. I still can't see your picture unfortunately but I'm sure it's incredible. Good luck in finding a course, I'm sure you will be even better than you are now. You can do anything you put your mind to 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

I'm here for you, even if you don't feel like talking.........


This is a tough time, but you're strong. You've gotten through difficult things before, and you can do it again.

 The people here are here to help you feel better. Don't hesitate to reach out to them if you need anything at all.

It's okay to feel overwhelmed or scared. These feelings are valid. Let's focus on getting through this one day at a time.

Re: Best Friends Club

@PeppyPatti thankyou. I really don't feel strong, I feel like that I'm broken beyond repair. I just can't see the light at the end at the moment if there even is any. 


I'm very thankful to have the supportive people that are in this forum. Talking here and sharing things is really what's keeping me going right now. 


I'm tired of feeling so overwhelmed, I just don't want to feel anything at all. 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @Gremlin24 sorry to hear that you are feeling this way today. Please reach out to the nursing staff for a little extra support if you need it. Take care RiverSeal 

Re: Best Friends Club

@RiverSeal i have tried. They want to get me out of here today so I don't really have a choice. 

Re: Best Friends Club

I encourage you to leave with a safety plan and referrals for support in the community @Gremlin24. I recall that you had a positive interaction with a nurse yesterday who wanted to get you the support you needed and deserved.  RiverSeal 

Re: Best Friends Club

@RiverSeal I'm trying to get things put in place otherwise it's just going to end up with the same situation happening again if I don't get the right support. Yes I had that supportive nurse and i really hope that she has done what's necessary so I can get that help. 

Re: Best Friends Club

We like you being here too. 

I'm wondering - that with @RiverSeal  professional bit that 

Having a safety plan someone can help you

if you choose to do this ? 

They are not set in stone are they ? You can add or cut out stuff when you write your first plan 


A safety plan is - 

 A safety plan is like a plan-  to help someone cope when they're feeling overwhelmed or unsafe when your at home again.  


When you feel early warning signs of a crisis.

What do do when you start feeling stressed ? 


Luke l deep breathing or spending time in nature.

Or making a cup of tea and sitting in the garden 


Listening nature sound when you feel stressed ? 

Support people. Who do you trust to watch over you ? 

Friends Family members, calling lifeline ? Contact information for Lifeline (13 11 14).


Where you can go   to feel safe ?

Danger time. - 

A plan for what to do if things get really tough.
 You are special @Gremlin24 

You are important  .....



Re: Best Friends Club

@PeppyPatti i do have a safety plan and I usually try to do a whole heap of things to distract myself, including coming here to chat. Failing that I then reach out to crisis lines to try to talk things through. If I'm still feeling escalated after that then there's MHT and 000.


It's hard cos i don't have any friends or family for support. Things can get very intense and dangerous for me very fast as I've learnt from previous experiences. So sometimes even having that safety plan in place unfortunately hasn't always helped. But it's there and I do try hard to use it. 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @Gremlin24 here is the Beyond Now Safety Plan that you can fill out while you wait to be discharged if you want. You can download the app on your phone and it's really easy to use. It has options of what you can do to keep yourself safe @PeppyPatti

