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Re: Best Friends Club

Got my Pilates class this morning @Shaz51 . Hoping to be able to take Hannah with me in a couple of months time, when she gets her official "in training" accreditation. She will be able to come pretty much everywhere with me then, which will be great. She's all registered, but everything is slow to happen at this time of year, with everything shutting down for a few weeks. 


Other than Pilates, not much else on. Expecting weather here to return to hot after a few days cool respite. So indoors in AC for me and Hannah. An evening walk once it cools down. Hannah loves her walks, she's a very sociable happy little Miss 🐕😀💕


How old is your Ruby @tyme ?


Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 Shazzy the sun just arrived from the East Coast and over KattaMorda aka Darling Scarp to shine on the valley.

I have to sign some paperwork for my lawyer and have it witnessed. Might have to do a quick dash to daughter’s for that.

Fill out Centrelink paperwork Rental Agreement and have that signed, but my friend and landlord has COVID.

Finish my online grocery shopping 🛒 I drag grocery shopping out as long as possible. My grocery shopping challenge is: How long can I go without buying groceries 😁

In 45* degree heat, packet Icy Vanilla Latte can be a meal. 😆

Two bench seats for me to finish.

Walls to paint after I plaster seems.

Put the ceiling fan back together after I finish second coat of paint on the ceiling.

Most importantly get out of bed, have a shower 🚿 and brush my teeth 🪥 get dressed because naked is not how you should greet people lol


@Emelia8 @tyme @Emelia8 @Healandlove @Oaktree @PeppyPatti 


Re: Best Friends Club

Everything takes time @Emelia8 very true 

We needed a plumber yesterday and they close for Christmas today 

Hannah sounds soo good for you , enjoy your day 🥰

They say we are in for another storm today sometime 

Re: Best Friends Club



I have my last art class for the year - going to attack a jar with alcohol ink

Then get my tail light fixed - it wanted to become a tree hugger

Then a mental health appointment

Then going over a friend's place for dinner

Re: Best Friends Club



They have sleeping pods in the library at Edith Cowan University in Joondalup 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Emelia8 

Thanks for saying hi. 

@Oaktree @avant-garde @TAB @Emelia8 @Shaz51 @Glisten 



How is your day looking ?

At the beginning of next year I'm starting to go to a place [location removed by moderator] to paint and do ceramics. 

@ENKELI @Former-Member @Bill16 @Mustang67 @MJG017 


I  cannot believe how beautiful these earrings are that My ex-husband made me. 



Tomorrow is my wedding. Yesterday I went to pick up makeup. The lady......she barely spoke to me but then told me to stop talking because she is the professional and she went on and on and on....then say me down where she kept on flashing this mirror at me but......

She kept on looking at herself ! I had a couple of flashes ......( It's ok I already know what I look like ) 

I'v been too ill to use this foot vibrating thing I bought with @Former-Member in mind but using it again. 



Re: Best Friends Club

thats funny @PeppyPatti  'looking at herself' ..

ok see you at 1 to pick you up..



Re: Best Friends Club

Yeah right. Cool car. Can you come at 5:30 pm, 5 I'm walking down the isle ---- 5:30 I'll jump in the car ---- we having milkshakes aren't we or you @TAB @Glisten @Oaktree @Zoe7 @ENKELI @tyme 

@Bill16 do you want beer, I can grab a carton. 

Re: Best Friends Club

no problem @PeppyPatti  😊

Re: Best Friends Club



I wish I could come to your wedding. I hope that you have the best day. Are you all ready? I am so excited for you both!