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Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

@Sirine, that is a really beautiful reason why ❤️ I'm so sorry that your experiences were so rubbish in the MH system, and I know that your sense of justice can help change things.


When you're ready and if it interests you, I would really encourage you try applying to some paid roles. Lots of organisations, community mental health hubs and even hospitals are starting to have more and more of these roles. 


In the meantime, what you're doing on the forums is wonderful. Just being yourself and connecting with others when you feel up for it is wonderful. You could think about peer work skills (understanding, connecting, sharing our own lived experience) and practice them with others. What do you think about that? 

Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

@Former-Member aaawww thank you hun. I would love paid but am happy to help out here to  hone my skills.   Right now though I need mindless work while I digest bpd and cptsd.  Thank you for your support xxx

Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

@Daisydreamer @Former-Member @hanami 


Sorry I haven’t read through this whole thread yet so I don’t know if this has been already asked.


How hard is it to get a peer support gig at Sane? Is it possible to go from forum user/consumer to a peer support role?





Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

Hi @Oaktree,


Thank you for reaching out to SANE!


We currently have the Peer Guide Program which can provide a pathway and education to work as a Peer Support Worker. There are some restrictions on where you reside so unfortunately it may not be available to everyone who is interested at this stage. Another alternative is a TAFE course and I suggest that you get in touch with your local TAFE to discuss what they offer to study. A Certificate IV in Mental Health and Peer Work is a good option but other courses can provide you with qualifications too. Please see the link below:






Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

Thanks for the information @RiverSeal 


Unfortunately I am in the northern suburbs of Western Australia. So not eligible for the peer guide program.


What is involved in becoming a community guide? Is that the same thing under a different name or something different?





Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

hello @RiverSeal@amber22 , @tyme , @FloatingFeather , @hanami , @Paperdaisy , @TideisTurning  😊


hello @Oaktree , I have been a community guide for 7 years now. And it is a little different to a peer support worker as we can be on the forum any amount of time we like to and I have had some free training 

you have seen us around like @Snowie , @Zoe7 and 18 other community guides 

Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work



What is involved in being a community guide? I saw a post from 2017 on the forums about super users. This was back when you were first made a community guide



Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

Hey @Oaktree ,


Just to answer you, you are definitely in the running for a Community Guide. This is different to the Peer Guide Program. 


You well probably hear from us in the next few months about applying for the new round of Community Guides. You will definitely be able to apply then 🙂 


I started off as a Community Guide before I became a peer worker here at SANE. It's been the best experience ever!


Also, as a 'Senior Contributor', you are considered a 'Superuser'

Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

Thanks for your reply @tyme 

I have been quite stable with my mental health for the past 18 months or so. I think that this is a good time for me to get involved. I looked into the cert iv mental health peer support work this morning but I have to apply through a consumer group to get accepted and they only do intake at the beginning of each calander year so I would have to wait till next year. Being a community guide here though could probably help me to get a place.





Re: Ask us anything about Peer Support Work

ohh my @Oaktree , you have come along way my friend and it will be a great step forward for you xx

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