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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

If you happen to be passing by @Spookytookims, I just wanted to say 'Hello'. I haven't seen your name pop up in the past couple of days. Thinking of you and wishing you well Heart

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

are you ok @Spookytookims youve got me abit concerned

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Sharpen the middle peice of the broken pencil @Spookytookims and then you have two!

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Hey @CheerBear, @outlander, @Appleblossom, and fellow Turtle Islanders. Can we light the candles and get the bon fire going again? I just want @Spookytookims to know we're thinking of them, we care, they're not forgotten and they are wanted. They have every right to feel their feelings, and it may be wisdom that has them stepping back.


Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Yes lets do that @Former-Member

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Oh @Former-Member u gave me an idea for a drawing

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Fabulous @outlander! Glad I could do that! 🙂

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Im gping tp draw the bonfire with the log seats around it and see if i can get tje swing chair in there too
What do you guys think @Spookytookims @CheerBear @Phoenix_Rising @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member and everyone else on TI that i mightve missed

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

I love log seats around a bonfire, @Former-Member just be careful the swinging chair isnt too close or it might catch alight. @outlander

How much time it takes to process stuff .. is variable.

How much distance and space we need .. is personal.

I find when I start to get close, my anxiety and ALL my hopes are opened up again and then I get frightened of rejection. I am learning my style, needs space, time and togetherness.

@Spookytookims was a breathe of fresh air .. Wind From the Sea


@CheerBear like delicate lace curtains

@Phoenix_Rising craving structure and form symbolised by a window frame.

All fully singular and part of the whole.

Hope you all can take my ideas with a spirit of hope, peace and harmony.




Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Tears @Appleblossom. Your words feel so good. Thank you 💗