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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Spookytookims sails off into the sunset and wide blue ocean



Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

@Spookytookims ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’—

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island



Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

I hope I haven't put a spanner in the works @Spookytookims. Maybe I can't be just one personality. That could be really useful in your story! It can stay just the way you wrote it if you like, or change entirely now or later. I really like your story so far, it follows on so well and the people in it seem real.

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island


Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Btw  bit disappointed none of you picked up the guide's name being Enmo...   anagram of Nemo...  oh dear all my little morsels are going unnoticed ๐Ÿ˜›  @CheerBear @Former-Member @Phoenix_Rising  ๐Ÿ˜›

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Yay! @Spookytookims ๐Ÿ˜ I LOVE waking up to read your episodes. I look scarily like CBG irl at the moment haha. I can't see an enmo though. You even managed to make Phoenix_rising into a koopa troopa - not sure if you meant to but somehow I have a feeling @TheVorticon will appreciate this one too ๐Ÿ˜‰ When I'm feeling better I will make sure all the animals are very well cared for. You're awesome Spooky! Thank you!

Can't wait to link it in. I might add @Former-Member 's awesome intro too (if that's ok with you Niqueeta)?

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

@CheerBear  No Enmo was the guide in the previous episode.. not this one (the friendly fish guide)  ๐Ÿ˜›  I put lots of llittle things in like that.. cos you know me and detail... 

that's only part one yet though.. if you notice.... 

Part 2 is written but it was too long to put the whole thing iin so I split it.  Will post it when everyone has had a chance to read that one.  LOL @ you looking like that   I really hope not!   I had to make it so I was ok with you quarantined.. and I think I managed to make myself feel ok with that one.  Not looking too good are you ๐Ÿ˜› 

You do know it's because you said you were sick right?  Just checking!  and Phoenix you wanted you quarantined?

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

@Former-MemberI forgot you tag you into the episode I wrote...   you are in it I just forgot cos not thinking straight!  sorry.

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Morning @Spookytookims.  Just finished reading the latest adventure on Turtle Island.  Cant wait to read Part 2 of the latest instalment.  

Thanks for the entertainment!

Morning to all the other residents of Turtle Island - @CheerBear @Former-Member @Appleblossom @Former-Member

Sherry (the Sentinel)