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Re: 365 Project

i hear you, you you have a special someone? i hope you manage to find a nice girl and settle down, it is hard work when you are fighting on your own.


you sound like a great bloke, i am sure you will be successful, you are a hard woker, and you seem to be very smart.


you will get their, even if it takes some time. Smiley Happy

Senior Contributor

Re: 365 Project

Thanks Jacques
Not applicable

Re: 365 Project

I'm a bit frustrated iwth myself that this has been really hard to do the last week or so... but i'm going to be kind to myself and say that its been a crappy couple of weeks so thats ok... maybe. lol

Today i had the Rabbit in the lounge with me and he played a strange sort of game where he'd run up and dig on my legs then run away before coming back again. It cracked my little boy up and because he cracked up i laughed out loud. and i realised its been a while since i laughed and it was good. So there are still good moments! 


Re: 365 Project

Oh dear  @Bill16I hate pernicious vicious cycles ... but you know I used to love motor cycles.

Dont be angry with me but I am seeing swirling thick viscous golden syrup on my porridge .. I just loved how it dripped off the spoon.Heart

Can we play with words cos I am good girl and old and straight now not at all flirty .. and hope you do get to start a family .. one day.

Re: 365 Project

Hi all,


Today I'm grateful for the feeling of spring that has been surrounding me. Especially things like this:


I really enjoyed reading your last post @Former-Member - I giggled out loud imagining the rabbit.

Re: 365 Project

Today my son was paid for his first lesson .. and they are happy and want to come back ... up til now it has been a free trial .. or barter.... Hoorah

Re: 365 Project

Today I am once again grateful for getting out of the flat and walking.

Re: 365 Project

I'm proud of you too @Maritza

Re: 365 Project

I think your one cool dude

Re: 365 Project

Today was a lovely day .. beautiful weather

Started with a small BBQ fundraiser to help educate girls in India ..

then drove across town for  lovely concert including a Liszt piano concerto and Beethovens 9th Symphony. It was with great company and it was for FREE.

Muchos Gracias