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Re: 365 Project

Such a great idea 🙂

I am grateful fo the first hints of Spring in the air and in my garden.



Not applicable

Re: 365 Project

@chookmojo yes i just saw blossoms on one of the fruit trees out the back yesterday, so pretty! Bring on warm weather!


Although come to think of it, it was nice staying snuggled under covers this morning for a few extra minutes! I'm greatful for that! 😄

Re: 365 Project

Oh my @chookmojo that looks so beautiful, i wish my garden had some of those flowers, my favourite colour is yellow.


i hope you get many more in the spring.



Re: 365 Project

Hey @Jacques, thank you! these are Dutch Crocuses, and it is my first try with them, so I only have about 10 planted, but as they are bulbs I can expect them to multiply as time goes on. I have been really happy with them so I will be planting more in Autumn.

Re: 365 Project

My brother is on one of his ping pong trips again and I am glad to have enough money spare to be able to send my son to see my brother in Sydney next weekend.


Re: 365 Project

oh my yes, please plant more, they look fantastic, and they multiply, wow, so you will be able to split them and plant them else where? or do they just spread?


i wish i had your green thumb, i seem to have killed all 3,000 seeds i planted 2.5 weeks ago, i think i may have made a mistake, i put seasole on them, maybe i was meant to wait until they grow.  i don't know, i was just thinking the ground was clay so some potting mix to counter the clay, and some fertaliser to give them food.


oh well, i will have better luck next time.



Re: 365 Project

Oh I know, my nectarine and peach have started putting out tiny wee leaves and the blossom buds are swelling and pink. And my blueberry bushes too. Very exciting time for me as these are my first fruit trees.

Re: 365 Project

@Jacques - yeah basically they will produce more baby bulbs and in a year or two I can dig them up to separate and plant elsewhere... or if i leave them be they will naturalize and sort of spread and establish on their own. <br><br>Don't give up on your seeds yet. I have had seeds come up well after I have given up hope, and pigface are pretty hardy<br><br>Clay soil is tough - Can be good to plant Comfrey, they have very strong deep taproots and help to break up heavy soils and bring nutrients up to the top. The plants are not unattractive and they excellent compost activator and fertiliser. <br><br>

Re: 365 Project

wow thank you @chookmojo i will remember Comfrey, maybe if these ones do not work out i will plant some, yes mum has told me not to give up hope just yet, it is still cold so maybe they take a bit longer to germinate, anyway it is the calmness and help with my Mi that is the most important part, if they grow, they grow, i enjoyed working in the garden, that is all that matters to me.


you are so lucky to have such hearty plants, wow you can do so much with them, can you store the bulbs, like tulips or they have to be planted straight away?


sorry for all the questions, i am really getting into this gardening thing!!!!!

Re: 365 Project

@Jacques no worries at all about the questions, gardening is my number one hobby and while no expert I am an enthusiast and can natter away about it indefinitely!  It is such a good hobby for the mind, whether or not any particlar planting actually works.

If you harvest the bulbs at the right time when they are dormant you can store them, and like tulips they like to be chilled in the vegie crisper for several weeks before planting out.