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Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

probably might still be used if people are struggling and cant afford road transport costs for stock, like the people in the book I read were @Former-Member 

It probably has been on landline, or that other show on ABC where that women appears in country places;well somewhere over the years, I dont watch them that often

Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

@Former-Member  @TAB 


When it comes to the long paddock, you might enjoy this old movie from 1946,

The Overlanders that you can watch for free.

Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

Thanks for that @Joanne-joy 😸

Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

I'm still thinking about the three books question, because honestly I tend to read junky novels over something serious when I get the chance to read fiction.

A book list from the New York Public Library came across my social feed, I thought it might be relevant to us here:
I haven't heard of many of the books on the list, barring the body keeps the score, but they do look interesting.

Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

Hi @Former-Member  & all


Happy New Year!


Great thread! 3 books I will never forget:


1) Victor Frankl - Man’s search for meaning

2) Todd Strasser - The wave

3) Günther Wallraffs - Ihr da oben, wir da unten


Most certainly not light literature but books that changed my views in life.

Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

Hey there @petrichor! So good to see you in this thread, and HNY to you too!

Oooo, loving your top 3. Mans Search for Meaning is one of those books I've always meant to read and haven't gotten around to. Thank you for the reminder.

Wondering if you speak German? I had to Google the Günther Wallraffs book and couldn't understand the reviews as it was in German 🙃

Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

Books are a huge part of my life.

My top 3 would constantly change as my life has evolved.


I read less now, as there is also the new infotainment experience of internet searching ....


Love this thread ... @Former-Member @Jo-anneJoy @Gwynn @petrichor @TAB 


Here are 3:

The Yield ... Tara June Winch ... 


Lao Tzu ... Tao Te Ching


Dr DoLittle Series 



Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

The internet, and for me streaming services, has definitely cut into my reading time too @Appleblossom. I'd really like to refocus the balance back to reading though.

The Yield is another on my to-read list. Do you think it lives up to the hype?

As for Lao Tzu, I just found this quote which really resonated with me, so thank you for reminding us all of his amazing lifetime of work...

Screen Shot 2022-01-27 at 1.52.07 pm.png


Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

Hearing you about the problem of literary hype.  @Former-Member 

Selling books and vanity publishing. Was in writing group for 7 years. Weary sigh!  

I finished lit major 40 years ago and am pretty over it.


I found "The Yield" worthwhile and I avoid the hype, not madly fantabulous ... but a solid read and a book structured with awareness and sensitivity to variety in language (contemporary narrative, epistolary section and dictionary).  I enjoyed some of the culture and contemporary edge.


I have bought 2 of her books and I am frugal and picky.It is then there on the shelf for me to share with others ... where mostly I used the library.  Its my way of "paying the rent".

Re: 3 Books that have made an impact

I really appreciate your take on The Yield @Appleblossom, and your frank and candid observations.