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Re: Tabaluga's

I've stopped counting days since saw cat last @SmilingGecko  it could have been thursday or friday , but dropped by like for 10 mins to eat covered most of week. didnt see it walking around block other day.

Re: Tabaluga's

G'day @SmilingGecko 



Re: Tabaluga's

Its been a good day so far @StuF have been reading some great juicy stuff online. Brain food! Apart from psych meds which the pharmaceutical industry gives me lol 

Re: Tabaluga's

That's good @SmilingGecko 


Just got back from a hands are Frozen! Really need to consider gloves lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Its frozo here in Melbourne so you are not alone on that @StuF i'll follow your lead and go for a walk later myself. Have been soaking up lots of great information online to keep myself occupied! Have just banged a home made foccacia in the oven under the influence of @Oaktree's culinary inspiration. Will go out soon and sit under the sun

Re: Tabaluga's

Sun is a great idea @SmilingGecko  - dull day here, showers later. But hey, I live in a house and all, so not complaining really.


Do have to go to the dentist later - filling came out last week. Doesn't hurt or anything, but probably should get it re-done

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF @TAB @Bill16 hey cool friends, on lunch break. Throat still a bit sore. Hope it gets better. L Hope you're all okay.

Re: Tabaluga's

Do they still do mercury fillings? Don't know if dentistry does that anymore @StuF. I haven't got any fillings so far so good, touchwood. I see a biologic dentist usually. Haven't been for a while. I hope it goes well for you this afternoon and its not too much of a drama in the dentists chair. I do oil pulling each day to maintain gum health and listen to a teeth audio field that dentists say it makes your teeth as strong as nails. 


Re: Tabaluga's

About to do lunch here too @Meowmy 


Hope the rest of work is good and that your throat goes away

Re: Tabaluga's

I don't think they've done mercury fillings for quite sometime @SmilingGecko 


Anyway, it'll be fine, thanks.

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