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Re: having a bad morning

Dont give up on yourself @BlueBay

Maybe your hub can be more laid back about things .. but you do care .. to be responsible .. and that in itself is a good thing ... regardless of all diagnoses and family feelings.

Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay

I believe that moments like this help us to get back on track. Don't be so tough on yourself - this isn't a reflection of you failing, or being a bad person. 

I think I've shared this image before:



I'm not sure what you should do with your medication - so perhaps it's worth checking in with the GP or the psychiatrist as to what you should do.


We're here tonight if you need us. But be sure to call Lifeline if you need more support.

Re: having a bad morning

Online with lifeline chatting now. I'll let u know how I am later. Right now I wish it was over.

Re: having a bad morning

Sorry @NikNik
Above message was for you.

Re: having a bad morning



💌 ... 💐💜💐💜💐💜💐💜

Re: having a bad morning

The above for you @BlueBay 


Re: having a bad morning

Thanks @Appleblossom

What you wrote means a lot to me, thank you xx

Re: having a bad morning

OMG @Faith-and-Hope

Beautiful, thank you xxxooo

Not applicable

Re: having a bad morning

Thanks @Appleblossom & @Faith-and-Hope, for acknowledging my wonderful news about my son. It's been so hard. Have something to look forward to with his grad,

he's given me notice not to get upset or anything, think he's a bit anxious his dad & i might cause a scene (childhood echos of family court battles & dvo dramas i suspect), so i hope, please pray i have enough strength to still stand proud, by myself. With the x & his new woman propping each other up, and his fiance's big family lined up together, watching my son on the stage. Oh boy, scary thoughts, trying to get him to let me bring a friend. The bpd pain of being left out, alone, not belonging, not wanted, not loved and my baby girl not there, Oh dear, crying just thinking about it. Best just focus on the makeover - go see the hairdresser for a plan, lose some weight, window shop for outfits... Thats CBT for ya, feel better again.

Re: having a bad morning

Stay strong @Former-Member.

Remember that he is the first of your family to graduate uni, and you stand proud ❣❣❣

Dont let anything steal joy from this special moment you share in a heart-bond with your son, no matter who else is there 💐