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Re: having a bad morning

Hey guys
Swam a lot in pool today. Just layed on my back and closed my eyes. So relaxing. Going out for dinner tonight.
So stressed about our finances ☹
Don't know what to do.

Re: having a bad morning

Best wishes for a good night @BlueBay

Re: having a bad morning

Dinner was nice. But I'm so anxious about our finances. I hate confronting stuff. It makes me feel like running away. Hiding from the world. I just want to cry. I can't stop worrying.

Re: having a bad morning

@BlueBay Once you inform yourself what's going on financially and form a plan you will feel much less anxious I think.  Finances are not something we can really avoid dealing with as adults.  Hoping you find the strength to work through it together.

Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay

I don't think @Mazarita will mind me sharing this with you from a post she made a few days ago -

"Another technique that is part of my 'homework' from my psychologist at the moment is to 'postpone the worries'. What that means is that, unless the thoughts that are bothering us really need immediate attention (eg. the smoke alarm is going off and flames are lighting up the living room), we can 'postpone' them to one 20 minute block per day when we 'give ourselves permission' to worry for just that amount of time. Then set ourselves as free as possible from them for another day."

It sounds like a very good idea for the way you are feeling at the moment.

You are only on this holiday with your hubby for a short time.  All this worry about your finances is stealing joy from your "here and now" moments, but I don't think they need to be.

If you can't do anything about fixing the finances in this minute, perhaps you can practice this technique of prioritising this social time and your husband's attention and company, and postpone all your other worries until you get back home.

And even then, maybe assign a time window to allow yourself to worry, then try to switch out of it again until the next one is scheduled.


Re: having a bad morning

Its natural to be concerned about how to pay the bill for our fun times.  If it is so expensive that it hurts it is often not actually worth it.

Re: having a bad morning

Our holiday was planned for many months paying off the Accommidation fortnight until it was paid off. It's complicated but looking now at our balances there is nothing there.

I know I can't do anything while away but I am still worrying. And my problem is that my mind thoughts escalate.

I need to try and enjoy our last day here. Because it's back to work on Friday.

Re: having a bad morning

At tagil @BlueBay

Try to just stay in the moment.  Feel the cool pool water against your skin.  Notice how blue it is.  Notice the gardens around you, what people are wearing, background music.  Can you see your favourite colour anywhere or being worn by anyone ?

You can even make a list of things to "notice" when you are feeling this way, to help keep you in the moment.

Enjoy ! ❤️

Re: having a bad morning

I have just phoned my psych and got in to see him tomorrow late afternoon. I think also I'm going to cut back on my therapy. It's too costly and I will still see my regular therapist. I was crying before and my husband saw it. He put his arms around me gave me a hug and I let out more tears. He told me to not worry. Easier said than done. I struggle so much with lots of things.

Re: having a bad morning

At tagli ... ??

That was supposed to be - Attagirl @BlueBay

Ain't Spellcheck just grand ?!


So glad your husband was compassionate towards you @BlueBay.  That's important for the health of your relationship.  Celebrate the little things.

Sounds like you're working on a plan, and that's a good thing too ❤️