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Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay

Sounds like today is one of those tough ones, I'm sorry to hear it. Days off can be a challenge for many people - often structure helps push us along when we are lacking motivation, so having a free day can sometimes make it more difficult to get going!

I'm glad to hear it's sunny where you are, that's so lovely isn't it. Is going for a walk on sunny days something you like to do? It sounds like that's pretty difficult today. I can really hear that anger you are feeling towards yourself. You mentioned that this can lead you around in circles, making you feel worse. Sometimes self-compassion can be really helpful in diverting this cycle - treating yourself as you would a friend is one way to do this. What would you say to a friend who was in a similar situation to you today?

I was wondering, as an alternative to a walk today, could you sit outside in the sunshine and have another go at practicing mindfulness? Perhaps you'd feel that was a positive thing to do, even if it isn't everything you were aiming for.

I really like what you said about doing the best you can, knowing each day is different, and hoping that one day the positive days will outnumber the negative ones - a wise an helpful perspective whilst working towards your happy life.

Keep looking after yourself,

Shimmer 🙂

Re: having a bad morning

High Shimmer and sad girl, I just wanted to say that was good advice Shimmer. Have bipolar and. Was in a depressed state for 2 months ago and never. Thought it would change any time soon but I found The Sane forums and am feeling good from a lot of browsing onsite and contributing to discussions . You will turn the Corner in your depression. Stay positive and keep contributing forum. We all want to be there for. You. Cheers

Re: having a bad morning

Hi @Shimmer and @Polly48

Today is another day and my anxiety is on a high.  I am having a gastroscopy this afternoon and I am feeling very scared and anxious.  I did end up going for a walk with my daughter and dog before to try and help.  But I am not sure if that helped.

I need to focus on doing stuff around the house but can't get motivated to do anything.  I think I am just so nervous.

I just want to cry!!

Re: having a bad morning

I've lost the plot yet again. Tears are flowing I just want this all to stop. I can't stop and it's frustrating. Why am I so damn emotional. Sobbing I need to go away. This is too much. My life will never get better.
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Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay,


It sounds like you are having a tough morning! I completely understand feeling anxious about the gastroscopy and think that its normal and common for you to feel nervous before going to the hospital for this.  The good thing here is, once its done hopefully some of that anxiety and the nervousness will pass.

I'm glad to hear that you went for a walk with your daughter and your dog. What other sorts of things could you do before your appointment this afternoon that would help you to relax or ease some of this anxiety and nervousness? I see that there has been discussion here of mindfulness and I loved Shimmer's suggestion on sitting in the sunshine! What is it like where you are today?


Look forward to talking to you soon Smiley Happy



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Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay, you're having a gastroscopy today!  I'd be in pretty anxious and emotional too.  Please don't draw any big or long-term conclusions on life and your health today.  Try to be kinder to yourself than that. 

Today is one of those days to just make it through.  Softly and cautiously.  Draw on your supports, stay in the present (what is actually happening right now?) and just get to the end of the day.  You can do that.    

And then tomorrow will not be a day involving an invasive procedure.  So that's got to be better than today.

Re: having a bad morning

Hi @Former-Member and @Former-Member

After crying for a while I went outside and watered the garden. The sun is out so it's nice. Maybe I could go out there and sit in the sun.
You're right I need to focus on the here and now I need to get through today.
Ok I can't worry about something that hasn't happened yet. And when I have it done I will wait for results. Although still a bit nervous.
I'm now just lying on the lounge resting. Thank you both for your support
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Re: having a bad morning

That's good, the garden can be such a peaceful place!

How lovely, yes maybe sitting in the sunshine would be good, I know I love sitting in the sun when ever I can. Maybe this would be a good mindful activity for you to do Smiley Happy

Thats right, worrying about what hasnt happened yet is just going to effect you emotionally, the outcome will be the same. For today maybe just focus on getting the procedure done and ways to help yourself through the day and waiting for results can be a nerve-wracking time, but just focus on the first step for today.

Re: having a bad morning

On my way to have the Gastroscopy done. I'm so nervous anxious feel sick in my stomach. ☹
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Re: having a bad morning

Thinking of you @BlueBay.  Hope it goes well.