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Re: coping mechanisms

@Shaz51  and @Appleblossom , that’s wonderful 😍🤗💜🌺

This, in a way, is the definition of the forum! 😀

It’s really heartening to read, and this in itself gives hope 😍🙌🏻💜

Re: coping mechanisms

@Former-Member  More power to you sister. Love science 


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Re: coping mechanisms

Thanks @Glisten ☺️🌺

I wish there were after class programs at tertiary institutions to allow people to come spend an hour or so in a prac or tutorial, and anyone who was interested could chemistry labs, physics, health, mock trials, etc 🙂👩🏻‍🏫

Maybe it could help people become inspired to learn something new, or help with structured socialising around common interests..💜☺️

Re: coping mechanisms

@Former-Member after class science programs in tertiary institutions, it is a funding + bums-on-seats dilemma.


In an over populated world, Australia doesn’t have the population to sustain active participation in many fascinating areas.

Sometimes it’s a struggle just to find a local walking group.

If only Classic Car Clubs did more to promote the science of car design, manufacturing and innovation lol


I’m in WA and I do admire the way WA Museum has combined culture, art and science.

Scitech is still a full day at any age, well for me it is.

Perth Observatory collaborative project indigenous astronomy is mind blowing ❤️


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Re: coping mechanisms

Hey there @Glisten 🙂

Indeed..funding, general uptake, as well as organisational staff interest to structure and deliver (as well as insurance), from what I’ve experienced 🙂🌺
There’s definitely a proximity aspect, for sure. I noticed that online there is a larger reach, however as we know the ability to engage in practical things over the ‘net is limited in some topic areas or activities 🌺

The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney used to be a showcase of interactivity, however I’m not sure what they’re up to these days (it’s been around 10 years since I’ve been).
That’s a great idea regarding classic car clubs! Wouldn’t that be awesome 😎 

To spark engineering interest, I used to discuss how compression and electricity ignited fuel inside combustion engines with my youngest brother after school, and he decided to purchase his first broken two-stroke mower when he was around 10, and he dismantled it entirely, bought spare parts, and rebuilt it. He then sold it in perfect working order. He’s a mechanical engineer these days 🙂 

Thank you so much for sharing the video! That’s a wonderful project 😍💜

I wondered if they have a northern hemisphere component? Part of their time-lapse was showing the northern night sky 😀 

Thoroughly beautiful 🥰🌺

Re: coping mechanisms

@Former-Member  That is lovely you inspired your brother and it became his career.

The Tories have been governing NSW for a long time. So Powerhouse would have reduced government funding and relying on corporate donations.


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Re: coping mechanisms

Thank you kindly @Glisten  🙂🌺

To be honest, I’m not sure where funding precisely comes from for the Powerhouse Museum/MAAS sites; I believe they’re all still owned by the NSW govt, and there’s been a significant assignment of funds from govt to (basically, from what I understand) renovate the Ultimo site while building a new site at Parramatta. My old alma mater WSU and some property development businesses, as well as some engineering foundation/s are also setting up scholarships/donations…that was what I heard, anyway 🙂

There may be others that I’m unaware of 🌺

Hopefully it results in heightened exposure to the sciences and other disciplines for the wider community ☺️

I hope you’re having a good day there in WA 😎🌺

Re: coping mechanisms

Hugs @Shaz51 


Hey @Glisten The Tories... all the way out here in the great South Land....funding and politics worms it’s way into most things. Hmmm.

@Former-Member  I have a Cosmos magazine near my pillow for when I am in the mood. Mostly These days here it’s kitchen science... or a bit a zoo volunteering... 


I used to visit Powerhouse with my baby brother As he lived just down the road, and my son was in primary School. I liked it.  Not like the museum dad took me to opposite Hyde Park in the late 60s.


I talk about anything with most people... Thank God for Gough... I gotta broad edukashun but u can’t tell it from my spelling... haha.

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Re: coping mechanisms

@Appleblossom  I hadn’t heard of Cosmos mag; going to check it out..! ☺️🌺

I used to read New Scientist that I had a subscription for free where I used to work, but that was a long time ago now. 
Kitchen science sounds fun and messy simultaneously 😀

Zoo volunteering also sounds like a nice thing to do to get out of the everyday.. 🙂

Sounds great being close to Powerhouse in years gone by 🙂

I used to travel from north of Goulburn to visit..was a day of experiencing country rail links of days gone by 😄


The museum across from Hyde that Australian Museum? If that’s the one, it’s very different…I think I’ve been there with my former partner years ago (can’t quite remember some things - I’ve got an old acquired injury to the thought + memory organ between the ears 🙂).


From what I understand, Gough did good for learning.. Wish I could roll back time and save painful sums for my education hehe 😉 


I’d enjoy chatting about pretty much anything - spending time mostly alone means I have worn the keys off good old qwerty ..! ☺️🙌🏻

Re: coping mechanisms

Oh remember the days when Scientific American ruled the roost. @Former-Member It’s slipped a bit methinks.


I have been mostly in the arts for last 40 years. I actually loved hearing the more sciencey mindset at lectures we had at zoo vollie dinners. More precise about what they did and did not know.


Still I have decided my early need to grapple with mechanics.... as a girl on a bike must do... even with great motor cycle brotherhood... friendly helping hand when broken down on the road.  Now I approach music like mechanics... lol... grateful for my rich experience.


Gotta ask: what did you ride?