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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thankyou @Silenus . Iā€™ve been pondering on your words of wisdom. Very deep and meaningful. Hugs and hugs back to you. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

Re: Poem - Oblivion

@Silenus I really enjoyed this poem it's beautifully crafted and very relatable. Keep up the good work.

Re: Poem - Oblivion

Thank you so much, @Imogen ... the connections we make with our words are so important...

My words to you,
Your words to me;
My words to me,
Your words to you...

Each of these dialogues and monologues help to shape us, by exploring who we are... the words we speak inside our heads are a large part of what makes each of us uniquely us... along with our emotions and our chaotic subconscious...

Much love and respect...

Re: Poem - Oblivion

I feel the sting

I feel the pain

The dreaded fear 

Has come again

I cannot run

I cannot hide

It lurks within my body mind

I hardly see the one I was

Wrestling has come with quite a cost

No turning back

My path is set

But I would run

No need to bet

My words are now

Received by few

For I have now

A different view

I stand alone

Iā€™ve drifted far

The wounds of life

I bear the scar.

Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

cold smooth grey

strong solid hard


a hairline crack

barely noticable

with the naked eye


swaying gently

and with time

the crack grows



little flecks

of water


eating away

the strength



no warning

no way 

to support


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @eth @Appleblossom @Maggie @Silenus @Sans911 @Former-Member @Imogen


So good to read your poetry. I find there is something about poems that seems to help us speak more deeply, possibly surprising even ourselves.

I am in a quiet time at the moment. But just wanted to stop in to say hi, and also to @Exoplanet.


Hugs to all. Heart



Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

@Mazarita  Itā€™s nice to see your name pop up when you can.


Yes, I agree. Poetry, like music, goes deeper than other use of words. I donā€™t know why.


Sending some šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @Silenus @Mazarita @Maggie @Former-Member @Imogen  and anyone else reading here.


In the beginning there was the Word

And the Word was the God


How would you live if your Word was your God?

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

It might depend on what Word, or what God you understand, plus, where is the beginning? if there is a place for understanding spirituality @eth . A huge question, thought provoking.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hey @Maggie Mags  I don't mean a god with a persona from any religion.  I'm def not christian myself, nor do I follow any particular religion or theory about when the beginning of the world/humans might have been.  I don't believe it's up to little me to define any of that stuff.  What I meant was if our word was actually what we valued as much as anyone values their concept of 'god'.  One friend of mine believes it means 'good orderly direction' ... each to their own with respect.  I'm just an old pagan myself!  Which to me just means a person of the earth.