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Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I am so sorry to hear this @Former-Member

Losing a loved one is so hard. We lost an old pooch recently... 15 year old Jack Russell. Had to put the sweet lady down.

I mourn with you. I look for the loving warm shared times to ease the pain. Hugs and gentle vibes beaming to you.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

@Former-Member - I look forward to reading your latest instalment. My head, please settle, so that I can read.
Hugs to you.
Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thank you immensely @Silenus
Nice to meet you.

My lil guy is only very young and I think that is what pains me even more. Right now - just have him in my arms trying to accept that I might have to say my goodbyes. Oh - I do not want to accept it.

Poem - A Moment

A Moment

A moment of clarity and calm,
To this weary soldier, compassionate balm;
Lay down my weapons and disarm,
To keep me just on the safe side of harm.

Poem - Distance Defiles

Every week, I must away and leave my love, a slave of distant work...


Distance Defiles

Those damn long miles,
Taking me away from your smiles,
Away from your womanly wiles,
From sweet softness that beguiles,
A loving union foul distance defiles,
Damn, that riles.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy


What boundless unplumbed depths abound,
Forever lost in the Lost & Found,
A shouting mind hears not a sound,
Diving deeper till I'm drowned.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Warm wishes @Silenus

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thank you @eth 🙂

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy


What boundless unflown heights abound,
Forever calling with lustful sound,
A roaring Icarus fears not the ground,
Soaring higher till I'm downed.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

After a time, rapid cycling becomes almost predictable... then it changes and sweeps the rug out from under you...

I do wish these mental "irregularities" wouldn't bounce off each other sometimes... here's my past 2 months in a nutshell...

  1. Rising hypomania, kept a watchful eye on it and started to apply brakes, enforce good sleeping habits, etc.
  2. Felt in control for the most part, coped well for about a month.
  3. A mixed episode hit from out of nowhere, lasted about 4 days (I'm always dodgy on time measurements during these episodes... I'm too busy trying to hang on for dear life to keep track of how many days go by...)
  4. Try holding down a full time job with lots of travel at the same time as all this crap is going on... whew... I'm exhausted... the weeks when I'm working from home are good... yaaaayyyy... but when I'm on-site, I travel 850-odd km to get to there from my place, and then I am doing a 340 km per day commute (170 km each way) to and from work and my dad's place. It's pretty brutal, but at least I'm getting quality time with my father of poor health...
  5. The mixed ep passed, to be replaced by depression "ripples" for a few days. Some mild rapid cycling.
  6. Now... some less mild rapid cycling...

Gotta love it, huh? Hey, at least mental health problems are never dull... hahaha... keeps yer on yer toes, too...

Hugs and happy vibes to all...

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