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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thanks so much @Silenus for your very kind comments on my very amateur little poem.  Yes I also hope the 3 weeks passes quickly.  If I come up with anything else worth posting, I will put it up here also.

I just read your poem about Bipolar.  I know very little about bipolar, but it sounds like a huge struggle, and I am really sorry that you have to go through all those ups and downs which are typical of the disorder.

Thankyou for helping me to understand it all a little better. My thoughts are with you, and I hope that a happier time is just around the corner for you.  Meanwhile I offer a big 'huggle' to help you through your 'struggle'.  Yeah ... you're right it does rhyme.  Heart

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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Morning @Silenus,
Yes I too was wondering if you are ok. mind wanted to send you something..of small utterances.. as I drifted off to other places of my mind.
I did miss hearing your views.
Glad you are back.
Sorry for your loss, grief does odd things & ironically I can relate to your hypomania period after her death.
I felt like this when my father passed..which eventually spiralled places I hope to never see again.
Nice to hear you..wishing you a calm day ❤☺

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Just another day in the life...


Thanks peeps... you guys and gals rock...
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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I find writing really cathartic. I've started writing a blog that I hope makes others feel they are not alone. It's about my journey as a single bipolar mum. If you want to check out my story Https://
I'd love to read your comments, experience & insights too.
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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I will read it @2angels...once I got a free proper moment! My little man is pulling my cupboards apart...sigh! 😏😂

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

@Silenus - The piece you wrote on BiPolar - I live it. 

Sadly all too true.
The depths and heights. The abrading thoughts. Carborundum. Carborundum.

Thanks you for putting that out here.

You said also about the disclosure of family secrets "I can process it and deal with it... this is not beyond me..."

The skeletons rattling away in everone's closets clack their jaws, rattle their bones and jarr my life often.

This secret I have kept - that is not a secret, but forgotten, buried, these things that people tell us, the minimisation or the explanations trying to minismise what someone else did... Oh, this happened to them, did you know? Well, yes I did but that doesn;t give them licence to be awful. 

I hope you can process it, maybe it doesn;t need processing, maybe despite the ObSeSsIvE cOmPuLsIvE dIsOrDeR... that Replay. Replay. Replay... of the worst things people say and do and our own disOrdeRed thoughts... or perhaps reOrDer it. Re-oRder it.   What has happened, what they told you, maybe letting it go, sending it off in a leaky boat out to sea and watching it sink beloew the waves, might be the best way of 'dealing and processing". 

Or instead of REPLAY. Press the STOP and OFF buttons...

It is a shattering thing this lived life with bipolar, OcD and other co morbidities. all of them like a Huge Gift Basket wrapped in a funereal shroud. Unpacked and unwilling a gift we accept it because we have no choice. But we DO have a choice once a thought is caught - once the thoughts that reverberate around our cavernous minds... once we catch one, like a fluttering bat, we can choose to let it go. If we can.

Overseas travel inevitably throws me into Mania - the time zones, the sleep differences, the bodily function changes... all of it - I am awhirlled by it. Re-establishing sleep pattern is paramount to reestablishing calmer thought pattern. 

I hope the next days are a wind down to a comfort-Able Level for you. Heart

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

@Silenus... My poem which was my first post here to Sane Forum last year.

On Living with Bi Polar... 

My hope for all of us today...


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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

🙏💜💙🌌❤ gently goes it...
Reminds me as I wake, second go rounds today...when I see still the faces I didn't want to see today, I still see..
I will burn some reminder thanks @MoonGal...
Hope your day travels calmly as to you @BlueBay, @Silenus...
..this mess that sometimes this life we are in...

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

@2angels - have read your first posts on your blog. I hope your life with Gracie is full of Grace and hope. You have had a rough start together, but I read the LOVE shining through and I am so glad your Mother is there beside you. Holding you both. Be the mother you want to be. ❤️