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Re: Walking for Wellness

@Former-Member Likewise. Heatwave 

And way too much important stuff to wade through.

If I’m sleep deprived I lose a day.

This too shall pass…. eventually 



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Re: Walking for Wellness

We had blackouts in some parts of Melbourne on Monday/Tuesday @Glisten I was lucky the power did not go out here. Winter will be the kicker. I've had broken sleep.  Just be patient with yourself with your sleep patterns. I have to get back into walking again but it will be at 7am and not during the day when its hot. Melbourne isn't nearly as bad as Perth though but you seem to be coping the best way you can which is the main thing. I need to get a power generator

Re: Walking for Wellness

@Former-Member  I am the most fortunate person in world to have the friends that I have.


I’ve been up since 3:30am and I can feel a nap coming on very quickly.




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Re: Walking for Wellness

Thats good @Glisten I'm happy for you. You just got to get through this heat

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Re: Walking for Wellness

Just back in from another walk. I'm feeling vibrant and full of vitality.  Still quite warm out there. Haven't checked next week's weather. If its hot can always do an early morning walk again.  I got to do my resistance bands training. Have got out of good habits with that. But am feeling better since I started walking again after all this hot weather we've had. Well tomorrow can be a rest day and out at it back again on Monday.  Walking is so good for my wellbeing! 


@Oaktree @Glisten @Dimity @TAB @Adge 

Re: Walking for Wellness

So glad you've refound your vim and vigour @Former-Member.  I just got in from my walk. I did my back exercises earlier - it took an effort of will as I've been skipping them too often.

There's still a lot of debris from the storms, but council has done a massive clean-up. 

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Re: Walking for Wellness

Thats good @Dimity we both can keep plugging away at walking. I will do some resistance bands after I have a cup of fennel tea. Have to monitor my blood sugar a bit more closely as its a bit high. You're right its certainly an act of will pushing yourself to do things where you have some measure of internal resistance. We always resist what is good for us. Its a state of mind unfortunately. We just got to keep pushing as its persistance that beats resistance.  

Re: Walking for Wellness

@Former-Member @Dimity @Glisten @TAB @Adge 


I am really proud of all of you that are managing to get moving right now. It’s just so hot here but I guess if I was motivated i could go walk at the shopping centre. Its air conditioned there. Maybe I will work harder at this when I get back from my trip. Keep up the great walk guys and keep cool

Re: Walking for Wellness

Good intentions are halfway there @Oaktree @Former-Member especially if our goals are realistic and not overambitious.

The exercise might help your bloods @Former-Member - I'll find out in a few days how mine are. 

I haven't tried fennel tea but sometimes add the seeds to cooking.

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Re: Walking for Wellness

@Oaktree in my neighborhood the seniors used to have a walking group through the shopping center because of the levels of crime and not having enough personal safety. I reckon you could do it. Its all airconditioned comfort and you have a car to get there so its not as though you have to catch public transport. I felt so much better getting back into exercise. I've just done my resistance bands and my muscles feel better allready @Dimity. I love the feel of the stretch. Will add more resistance bands exercises each day! Thanks for your encouragement! 🙂