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Re: Walking for Wellness

Hopefully you'll get back on track @Oaktree. You excelled yourself last month.

I walked today during a brief interlude of sunshine but it's now raining heavily. That's Melbourne weather.

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Re: Walking for Wellness

Thats what happened in the past with my exercise @Oaktree would have enthusiasm then going backwards.  


@Dimity I'm in Melbourne. The weather has been wet and windy again since last night. I'm hoping I can squeeze in some exercise later on today

Re: Walking for Wellness

I'm going to take my creaky ankle/sore heel for quick walk up and down slope that is street live on on down then up Damn. lol ok only 10 mins return plus banning thongs lol @Former-Member @Oaktree @Dimity @Delicatessen  got to start again somewhere  was doing hours a week well few months ago til foot kept playing up

Re: Walking for Wellness

Yay go @TAB ! Sometimes getting out the door is the hardest part. Hope you find a break in the weather @Former-Member. Here the sun keeps going in and out and showers are forecast all day. I need to get out the shopping trolley and collect a few things. I have zero energy atm but the prospect of a coffee seems good.

Re: Walking for Wellness

anyway stasis not getting me anywhere and precisely re getting out door, over last few months I only go outside to pay rent, buy food and do washing have realised and have even stopped walking  now feeling like death warmed over after operation prob from inactivity as much as anything lol @Dimity  good luck w shopping trolley  am going for a walk now

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Re: Walking for Wellness

Hey @Dimity its just cloudy and windy over here. I have a shopping trolley when I need to get out. They're great if you don't have a car.  I have zero energy right now myself. I used to track something called biorhythms which shows when you have dips in energy. It consists of a perspex wheel with sine waves on it which move and you interpret it with a book. I'm thinking my biorhythms would possibly be down.  Anyways I hope you like getting out - coffee is a great motivator!

Re: Walking for Wellness

well short walk done, cant think last time walked @Dimity @Former-Member couldnt wait to get home, feet bit achey although not bad and just felt like it was a bit much , so cut it short , will have few days off lol 

BP 120/80 70BPM give or take 10 mins after oxygen 96% low for me guess am alive lol yes Itake BP meds else way worse readings lol

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Re: Walking for Wellness

Thats great BP for someone in our situation @TAB I don't keep track of mine, have been slack. But went to GP last week and was lower than what it used to be.  Got to get into good habits - thanks for the reminder TAB. 

Re: Walking for Wellness

its all the me ds , my wei ght is off the clock and have not been exercising at all re BP but it seems lower after operation @Former-Member   this post got pulled trying again yes been stuck in bed since wednesday no future in that


Re: Walking for Wellness

Well done for effort @TAB re walk and good vitals, BP is where it should be. I got my groceries and bulk catfood - I got a good discount by walking a little further. A bit of drizzle. 

@Former-Member I use a mood tracker app. I suspect I don't have strong circadian rhythms so generic biorhythms probably wouldn't hold. I've been trying to bring my body clock forward. I think getting more sunlight helps.