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Re: Walking for Wellness

Ok @Fluttershy1 

I just checked back on the topic Tuesday thread and it is you with the heart condition.

It's important that you only do as much as is approved by your doctor. I don't want you making your condition worse. Just listen to your body and go gently. 
My husband just had stents put in - in May - and afterwards he would get worn out very easily- he was told to sit on the couch for 4 weeks so I want you to expect to be doing nothing after your operation for a time. Try not to get frustrated by that. There will be plenty of time for exercise after you recuperate. Please talk to your doctor before doing exercise to make sure it's a good idea.

Proud of you though. You are awesome!



Re: Walking for Wellness



I am sure there will be days that I will fail at achieving my goal and that is partly the reason why I started this thread. To give me added motivation and accountability which increases the chances of following through. However I am not planning to beat myself up if something happens and I don't get it done. I am trying to realise that I don't have to be a perfectionist about everything. In the past I have been all or nothing so if I can't do something perfectly then I end up doing nothing at all. I see how this has held me back.



Re: Walking for Wellness

@Oaktree I hear that my friend, I am very much an all or nothing person something I am working on. Something a friend once told me always sticks in my mind. She said, "Progress over Perfection" and progress can mean having a day off if you need a mental or physical break. So if I miss a day I can't do my training I think well that was meant to be a recovery day and they are just import to your mental and physical state. That way you don't feel like you've failed if you can't get out for a walk etc. Another thing I do if I feel down about myself, I think of where I was a month, 3 months, 6 months ago. And if the answer is, I am fitter & healthier today than I was back then, that gives me some perspective and something to feel positive about. Hope that helps. ๐Ÿ™‚ xx


BB ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ’™

Re: Walking for Wellness

I've just chilled out this evening @Oaktree 

feeling really tired 

Re: Walking for Wellness

@Peregrinefalcon - here you go, thanks for Tuesday. Erk erk ๐Ÿ˜

Re: Walking for Wellness

Hey @Oaktree - I went for a walk today and then I went shopping with my support worker. I had a lot of fun!! 


Re: Walking for Wellness

I went for a short 10 minute walk this morning with hubby but the weather was bad today and I spent some time moping so didnt manage to get my 30 minutes in... hopefully I will have better luck with it tomorrow.


edit - had a bad mental health day today. Something was said which hit an emotional bruise and I plummeted into a downward spiral that I couldn't pull out of. Including this to keep track of if my mental health impacts my physical activity goals.



Re: Walking for Wellness

Hi @Oaktree @Fluttershy1 @bipolarbunny @Shaz51 and all walkers

I'm very impressed by your efforts. It's been too long (months) since I regularly got outside for walks or gardening. I'd love to set an interim goal of 30 mins/day, hopefully building up further in time. I'm sure it would help my depression and Vitamin D deficiency. I wonder if I could manage it for 40 days - long enough for it to become a habit?

I live in hope.






Re: Walking for Wellness

Welcome aboard @Dimity 

A goal is a fine thing but don't let it set you up for failure. I am all or nothing and missed my 30 minutes today. I have to shake that off and try again tomorrow. All the best,



Re: Walking for Wellness

Thanks @Oaktree. I'm a terrible procrastinator so need an inspiring goal to overcome my inertia.

Thanks for starting the thread, you've done well.