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Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

@SnowieThe forum was yesterday hun. You probably didn't see as you were being discharged at the time. It was very early in my world- 7am!!


My day today has been very productive @outlander. Unfortunately I thinking I am becoming tolerant to my sleeping meds, so maybe I need to start weaning them down. I am now waking an hour earlier which means 4am!!! That is still enough sleep mostly but I am getting tired earlier in the evening and during the day. And waking my house as I need to go to the bathroom when I wake up. I stay awake until after 5am, feed the cats and try to go back to sleep for an hour or so (if I am not walking at 6:30). So I had a lie in today until about 8am.

We have another house inspection Monday week, so I am getting in early to start tidying the gardens, and dusting inside and out. So I have been dusting inside little bits at a time. Then I did the outside yesterday and today. I washed the garbage bins, swept paths, swept and dusted the verandah. Tommorow I will repot the plants out the front. I also took things out the front verge for the collection in about 10 days.

I was going to hold a garage sale tommorrow, but I haven't advertised yet. So I am going to do it next week.

Your last comment @outlander was very cute!!!

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

i thought it was rather early in your side of the country @Sans911 

maybe you could speak to your gp about changing your meds alittle bit? its still tricky with meds, an annoying balance more like. or maybe have a nap through the day to reboost? 

sounds like a very productive few days and few days upcoming too, im not surprised your tired really but at least your not bored... 

if i was to hold a garage sale id advertise my house and all contents and start again lol. its interesting what you can find at them though, and the markets too

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Ahh ok @Sans911, but glad today has benn productive for you too. Not good about the sleeping meds, a lot of do that

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I'm so fed up with my house mate @outlander. And I'm fed up with talking about her. I feel like all I ever do is moan about her. I was crying a few minutes ago and of all I want to do right now is shut down all feelings even if that means SH. But I'd probably miss my pdoc appointment in the morning plus my walk, so for now I gave to suck it up.

She was a month late with the rent last week, she knows I have utility bills to pay & hasn't contributed, I'm paying for most of the household cleaning products and cat food/etc (she agreed when I got them she would go halves with me), and we are talking less and less nor we ever go for coffee or anything anymore.

I sought legal advice last week, and unfortunately because she is now on the lease, whatever trouble she gets into, I get into. So is fails to pay the rent again, we both risk eviction. And I can't evict her because she's got the same rights as me as a joint tenant. I feel so stuck, and so alone in my own house. Here come the stupid tears again.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Big hugs @Sans911 stay with me until those urges pass ok. Im not going anywhere.
Its really not fair on you and no way should she be taking advantage of you like she is either. It seems like your talking to a brick wall with her.
Its understandable you are upset and i would be too eap having to chase people up for money when they live there too. Is there a way you can get her off the lease since you are the original tenant?

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Being the original tenant holds no weight whatsoever @outlander. The only way to get her off the lease is to seek her consent. And she would probably disagree with that.

I'm the one that is on Centrelink money, I can't work right now even though I'm sorely tempted, but my employment references are over 2 years old, so essentially pretty useless. I wouldn't care if if I worked on a checkout.

Last week she told me that she has someone else who she has to pay money to. She tells me there is nothing sinister or illegal, which I believe, but it seems something is always coming up and I get shafted. I feel like a fkn fool most of the time for giving her so many chances. I've mostly let her stay because of the amount of money she owes me, but now that seems less and less likely I will ever get it back. Even if I took her to court, there's no gaurentee she would pay it, and I would have court costs to pay. So I'm the stupid loser every which way I look at it. She hasn't contributed to any of the utilities since September last year.

I can't get ahead with my bills, I'm being charged late fees and overdrawn fees constantly, my bills are often late which I rarely do. There's things I'd like to do like go away but I can't afford it.

My GP last week was clearly frustrated for me last week when I said this issue was ongoing. It's one of the biggest stresses & reasons I self harm because I get so angry and have no release.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Its not right @Sans911 it shouldnt be happening in thr first place. And no your not a fool or a looser even if you feel like one right now. Im sorry im not much help but i am hearing you and your frustrations so keep letting them out. This is a really sucky situation

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Are you able to go and seek assistance for your bills and rent? I know how crapp that is as weve had to do it a few times but it might help you out for now? @Sans911

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

This is just a suggestion @Sans911 .....

But a large bottle of home brand white vinegar and do all your cleaning with that. Stop buying other cleaning products and anything else your house-mate shares, and when asked, tell her you can’t afford it at the moment. Start shutting down any conveniences you can live without that will inconvenience her, with the same explanation, At the moment it doesn’t sound like she is feeling the consequences of how her behaviour is affecting you. It can be difficult to work them out, but she needs be taxed by this situation she has created, somehow. It needs to be inconvenienced by it.

Can you ask her to pay you a small amount every week, on a given day, and ask her for it on that day ?

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

You're a big help @outlander and thank you lil Sis 💛 💜 💙 💚 ❤️. And @Faith&Hope who I can see under the likes so I can almost hear her saying 'ah huh'.

And I can't get much help with rent or bills as I'm single. My foster has helped a HUGE Amount-like $1000s but I'm refusing her help because it just enables my house mate.