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Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Faith-and-HopeAs you would know, I couldn't have picked a worse day weather wise to have to go and get my car. I have checked with the local coucil of the area it is in, and they have not impounded it nor have I received any parking tickets, nor has anyone reported it as abandoned. At least there is something good out of the last few days. Whether it is still actually sitting there still remains to be seen. I am waiting on my phone to charge enough so if there are any issues with it being stolen, or windows smashed, I can contact the police or roadside assist.I would much rather stay in my comfortable bed right now.

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

Good luck sis hopefully nothing goes wrong ā¤ā¤ @Sans911

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911bed sounds much better than faced with the task of retrieving you car Heart

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

There is a spark of good news in there @Sans911 ...... wishing courage and strength for you ....,, and continuing to sit - walk / rest with you .....


Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911,know what you mean by undignified,went to the doctor yesterday who treated me like a child,saying it was my responsibility to be carer for my mother,regardless of having two other siblings,wish I had a job and not in this position,he was wrong.Put myself in yet another f*****, counseling session with someone who isn't in the position to understand and make judgements.
Don't beat yourself up,it's like being on a diet,and breaking it.
A few weeks ago when I was walking,I had my drunk ex neighbour driving in the bush who pulled up talking about giving up.He was sucking wine out of a wine cask,and looked pathetic,like a addict.
I was worried,the way he was ,he couldn't see what harm he was putting himself in or others.I told him ,you never realise what you have until it's gone,like my loss of the property.In the paper the other day read a house burnt down out there.I knew it was him.Apparently he decided drunk, to light old cars in front of his house and when they exploded,sent a good "match" in to his house.
How he is I don't know,but he has two options,either drink more,or its enough to motivate him.He was always a alcoholic,didn't have a good family ,got given the house and property a few years ago by my neighbour who died, someone who cared for him.He did give it up two years ago and was entirely different,but was triggered by something.I guess what I'm saying @Sans911,is there is a others struggling far worse than you and I if that makes you feel any better.

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

Hi @Sans911

You are to be congratulated for taking on the role of Community Guide....that's an amazing effort with all that's been going on for you.  As you mention, this will give you a purpose whilst all the other stuff is going on.

Best wishes.


Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing


This is an old thread that I started that focused on looking for the positives in getting unstuck from my old ways and trying to recover. Unfortunately, not long after I probably experienced the most horrendous and difficult 3-4 months of my mental illness and life.

While I am a long way off from having better mental health and a stable life, I feel confident in saying that I do believe the last month has been improving more than declining. I am still struggling with challenging emotions, financial stresses, unable to work- but I feel more able to be slightly productive in other ways. Getting through each day is primarily my main focus, but I try to put in place small things to look forward to. I am exercising which was an impossible task even 2 months ago. I have applied for some volunteer work, and I am pushing myself to socialise with strangers (in groups).

I still have regular SI/SH challenges but these as decreasing as are the episodes of SH. You have all been pillars of warmth, encouragement and suppport as have others in this amazing forum. So I am moving away from the other thread, and I hope you don't mind joining me for my new challenges of finding my way out of the darkness.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

@Sans911 I will read this later Hon - can't focus properly right now Heart

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

No problem sweet butterfly-go look after you. That's the most important thing right now @Zoe7

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Wth @Sans911 .... right with you .... ā£ļø