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Saying goodbye to pop

Today was hard. Pop is weak. And thin. 


He will be leaving us. 


We just dunno when. 


My hearts breaks and aches.


For him and for nan 


I just don't want him to suffer


The thought if him being in that place on his when he'd rather be next to nan in bed asleep and she wants that too.... it's so hard 


Maybe this is my small burden to carry while nan carries hers and Pop his. 


I felt like a kid again today. All I wanted to do was share the vanilla slide with my pop. But we couldn't. 


Whatever part of me was hurt by that is a part of me that came out today. But what can I do. Nothing much. It isn't fair. I know that but I feel it and feeling it is different.


It will be hard. 


But the love is what gets us by.


Re: Saying goodbye to pop

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

aww Hams ..growing up aint all beer and skittles .. has crap bits too @MDT 

thanks for the tag. you know it's coming . you can reflect. You are still here to carry on. I think I prided myself on not showing emotions. I said goodbye to mum on phone fromWA , she could not speak, they said she smiled. I cried. 

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

I'm so sorry @MDT , this must be a very difficult period for you. Good on you for coming to the forums to discuss it, I'm sure many can relate.

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

Hey @MDT.


I am so sorry that you are going through this hard time. It was only last year that I was there with my nan. It so hard. 

I just want to touch on the vanilla slice. If it’s something you and your pop shared then have it for him. Continue to have it for him. 

My pop and I shared a Mars bar thing. Long story but I put a mars bar in his coffin and to this day I always have that mars bar for his birthday and the anniversary of his death. 21yrs later it’s still my connection. 

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

@MDT grieving and letting go is so hard. It won't be easy for him or you. I know you loved your Pop ❤️ Thats a beautiful thing! I know you are in emotional pain seeing him go. I have had to say goodbye to countless people so I understand. The love he has for you now is immense. He has that within his shining heart for you now. I will include you in my daily prayers MDT. I hope you can find ways of coping and getting by. Sending you my love and compassion at this time. I know your heart is breaking. You were loved by this wonderful grandfather of yours. Its not the final farewell.

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

@MDT  I always take comfort in the fact that I within me is the cellular memory and genetic coding of those that came before me.

My parents and grandparents can never really leave me. They are in fact, me.

Best advice?

Favourite quote?

Happiest memory?

Smells? - My mom Geraldine’s Lemon Meringue Pie 🥧 

Hugs G

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

Soo sorry @MDT ❤️

Sending you lots of hugs and sitting with you 

I have lots of memories my grandparents 

Had tears in my eyes thinking of my mum who has just passed away 💔 as I was reading your message 

Re: Saying goodbye to pop

@Glisten I love that, how our parents/grandparents are a part of us.

@MDT my heart breaks for you. I loved my grandparents dearly, especially my maternal ones. May you find peace and comfort during this difficult time ❤️🙏

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