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Returning to work

I start back at work on Monday. Im doing 3 hours Mon, Wed & Fridays for now with the view to increase hopefully back to fulltime if I can handle that. 

I have to go into the office on Monday to set up my laptop but they have organised a meeting room for me. After that Ill be working from home until I am more able to handle being in the office. 


Im seriously excited but anxious as all wrapped together. Ive been off work for 2 years and havent been in the office for like 2.5 maybe even 3 years.


Re: Returning to work

Wow @ClockFace ! Thanks for the update! That's such great news! 


Are you returning to your previous workplace?

Re: Returning to work



Yeah same place and same team I was in. I imagine my role will be different but thats ok, Im just stoked to be going back to work.

Re: Returning to work

Totally! @ClockFace 


For me, work provided accountability, stability and routine. 


SANE workers were off since Christmas. I've been so 'lost' during the break. I didn't even realise today was Friday!

Re: Returning to work



Yeah I think it will give me a lot of routine, thats something Im missing. 



Re: Returning to work

I look forward to hearing how it goes. Do you feel ready @ClockFace ?

Re: Returning to work

Yeah, Im a bit unsure that I remember what it is that I do. I keep telling myself that I will pick it back up quickly but after 2 years Im sure a lot has changed so Im in for a learning curve. 


I am very aware that once I finish work I will crash out and sleep for a while. I have naps in the afternoon now, Im positive that I will sleep quite deeply after work for a while. 

Re: Returning to work

When do you start @ClockFace ?

Re: Returning to work

@tyme tomorrow. Im getting really anxious. I know it will be ok but still having mini freak outs. At a point where Ill be glad that its over.

Re: Returning to work

I'll be thinking of you. All the best. Take deep breaths and tell yourself you can do it @ClockFace