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Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

@amber22 I'm studying a personal training course.  I was hoping to learn the ins and outs of fitness so I could train myself.  Sadly the course seems to be more about how to work in a gym than actual fitness.  Probably should have realized that before investing 4 and a half K.  We live and learn.  

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Wow that sounds like a really good idea, annoying that it is more about personal training within the gym, hopefully there will still be aspects that you can take from it that will benefit your lifestyle 🙂 @lala2 


How was your sleep last night?

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

@amber22 My sleep was surprisingly good, later than it should have been but I woke up earlier than ever feeling as though Id had a good rest so maybe coming on to this forum helped me in some way.  Im curious do the Sane staff work in shifts, you arent expected to be up all hours with us night owls are you? 

Not applicable

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi @Shaz51 

I’m going well, pretty relaxed, spent a bit of time outdoors playing sport and also I am straightening out my routine these days.


Thanks for the tag x




Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰


It amazes me how some people have set routines every day of their long lives that they stick to. 

I don't know how they do it.  But the tablets are one thing I don't forget anymore.  After a Dr scolded me for being reckless for not taking my tablets properly, I put my big girl panties on and worked out what was a foolproof way to remember them every morning.  For me that was to put them next to where I make coffee because I never go a morning without coffee.  

You sound a bit like me, regarding needing the structure of a work day to keep things in order.

Enjoy your leave. 


Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Ah that is amazing to hear, so glad that the forums are already making you feel a little bit better, I might be a bit biased but they are pretty great!! Yes we do shifts on here so not on here allll day and night, but a few of us also work in different parts of SANE as well. I run a few organised events too, there is one on tonight called a Peer Group Chat which is basically a big group chat where members and some of our staff come online to talk about different topics (the topic is different every week). I'll link it down below in case you wanted to check it out, its from 7-8:30pm 🙂 


I hope you're having a great day! @lala2 


Here is the Peer Group Chat information: 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi Everyone @Dimity @TAB 


For a very long time I’ve been horribly self conscious of my self-talk which is often loud, hateful and (at times) inclusive of rage. I’ve been doing a range of things to address this but it’s still a real problem.


My doctor and I have discussed this at length and we’ve agreed for me to try out activities that absorb me more completely…but of course in doing them make me feel good.


So long story short. I love jigsaws. Of the mind-bending, black and white kind. I located one that I’d been putting off for years because I secretly felt I’d over-reached.


As of this morning I finished it. I feel fantastic. And can also report that over the course of the ten days I completed it my self-talk reduced significantly. So there might be something in doing things that absorb my attention. Who knows?

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Way to go @Delicatessen 👍

Hello @Former-Member , @amber22 , @lala2 , @Former-Member , @Dimity 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Well done @Delicatessen !!! Was this jigsaw the famous Xmas project?

Maybe this year I'll rediscover how to achieve a state of "flow"... I lost the art. But in decluttering I'm rediscovering long forgotten  projects. (Too many years of mindless workaholism followed by years of mindless depression.) 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi @Dimity @you are correct the jigsaw was the Xmas project. Had to start a day late due to emergent (and unhappy) requirement to attend party with some 26 people (during which time I pretty much sat tucked away in a corner chatting wth a few friends for most of the night…)