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One year since the failed referendum

It’s still a yes from me 🖤


Re: One year since the failed referendum


Re: One year since the failed referendum

@ArraDreaming I am still ashamed of the result.

My family was crushed by the disappointment.

The level of racism in QLD is astounding.

Re: One year since the failed referendum

I agree @Glisten, the result wasn't much better here in SA.  So many people had no idea what it was about.  Of course it didn't help with some politicians muddying the facts for their own advantage.  As far as I know it's almost impossible to get a referendum passed without the full support of both major parties.  Which means they often become pawns.  Sadly, we probably wont see another attempt in a very long time.


So it was a 'yes' from me as well @ArraDreaming... for what it's worth.  I'm sorry more people didn't want to take the 5 minutes to find out for themselves what it was truly about.

Re: One year since the failed referendum

Hi ArraDreaming… I understand your disappointment, but unfortunately the key here was absolutely that people didn’t know what it was about, not even those it technically should have benefited. My daughter is indigenous, and myself and my husband live in a remote community for 3 months of every year. There was absolutely no clarity on the form any of the proposals would take. As a result of this vagueness, many community elders also voted no, and encouraged their communities to do likewise. There was simply too much ambiguity. Essentially, no-one, including the indigenous themselves even knew what they were saying yes to, and how the change would benefit them. Nor were they consulted on how this “voice to Parliament” would give them the opportunity to be heard. Yes, it may take a while for another referendum, but hopefully that will give the powers that be sufficient time to clearly outline exactly “what” it is that will be implemented in a way that EVERYONE, including the supposed beneficiaries are completely clear on what they are voting on, and allow them a say on what form it will take.


I also hope this helps you understand that many of the people you were trying to support are ok with the outcome… certainly members of some remote communities anyway… it’s not the end, just another step in the journey. Hopefully with further collaboration, an even better outcome might be achieved 💗