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Re: Living with Ourselves



Belated birthday wishes to your valuable bookkeeper..


tiramisutiramisua tranquil creek setting.jpg


Tiramisu and I built a seat for her to share with yourself and friends on the riverbank.



Re: Living with Ourselves

Hey there @Sophia1   How are you my friend.    What a lovely surprise.    how are you feeling these days.   Autumn.  .  .   spelt backwards is  closure,    A time when feverish harvests and 

relentless,  weather,   personal pursuits,  can look back and say,  . . .  was all that wear and tear

on our ageing bodies and minds,  worth it.   Is that why I like  the echoes of splitting fire wood.


How are things on the home front my friend.   I know It hurts when I ask,   but  I do know your 

search,  and when you can talk about it,  I'll close my eyes so I can listen and feel it.


I  have never had tiramisu cake.  Next trip to the big smoke,  on the list.   The seat and and the stream,  mmmm   I'll keep that for a poem,  Anyway,   that took some thought and made me laugh,  and stirred my inner smile.  Thankyou so much.  Bookkeepers smiling too.


Ive been on the music thread a bit lately,  think   I'm supposed to put a song up,  but theres so many there,  I cant keep up.   Its   good though.  I click on the links and all this new music oozes out of my computor and I don't have to think too much.


   How is life in the Dandys  Sophia,  bet they are still cleaning up

after that monster wind storm.   I  lived for a short while near the puffing billy and had to get out after   ash Wednesday.  Bit like Europe in places.   Hope it hasn't changed too much. I remember Belgrave picture theatre had hot water heating pipes for your feet.  Wonder if Its still standing.


Well Sophia,   I have a bit of an Idea how busy you are and you still make time for me.

Thats special.   I know you watch out for me mate.  and believe me,  Ive noticed the difference.    Do take good care and know I'm so glad to be your friend.


Big hug,   and very best wishes to you  Sophia.             tonys   moon base one 








Re: Living with Ourselves

Been a very difficult few weeks for me @tonys but hope you are doing okay.

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Zoe7   well  are you just going to leave me hanging,  Share with me my friend,   then tonys,


the worst student in your class can rub his hands together,  and come up with some magic dust.


When you get time,   my friend.  Sorry,    Ive been  sticky fingers in other kids lunchboxes.  .  . !


Take care mate .           tonys     moon base one

Re: Living with Ourselves

Can't presently share much @tonys Not well at present - covid has got me 😔

Re: Living with Ourselves

OH   NO   my friend.    @Zoe7 .    Well   thing you learn with farming is .  .  . patience.   


Farm   gates always open for you  my favourite teacher.     Rest   sleep   rest. . sleep  refresh.


tonys    mb  1

Re: Living with Ourselves

Lots of rest and sleep when I can breath okay @tonys Starting to feel a little better this evening so all the medication I have seems to be doing it's job. I don't think I will be back to work for a few days though as I have no energy at all but will see how I feel tomorrow.

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Zoe7    O H     Zoe. . . .   Your poor thing.   well   You just have to put the whole world on hold,


Eat  as much fresh stuff as you can,  and fluids ,   fresh juices with beetroot  ginger,  and anything else that will fit in a juicer.  .  .  .     no   no ,    not the cat. .     and   Zink tablets.

Do you have a vapo machine.

And is some one there looking after you.    Your the only teacher that lets me put my big hairy feet up on the desk..    Please get well soon . . .   come  b a a a a c k . . . !


Puff of magic pink sparkles to you my friend.  .  .  .    tonys   moon base one.



Re: Living with Ourselves

Your posts always make me smile @tonys ...and you are welcome to put your big hairy feet up on the desk anytime lol


Feeling a lot better today - still very lethargic and snuffly but not as achy so that is an improvement.

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @tonys @Zoe7 


Spotted you both here and wanted to say hello.


i need to respond to a backlog of tags

Will reply when can.


Am having difficulty logging in quite frequently.

Still and issue that IT department needs to investigate.

