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Re: Living with Ourselves

Keep roaring @Sophia1 


Hugs and love



Re: Living with Ourselves

Thinking of you during this difficult time @Sophia1 . Take care of yourself my friend.

Virtual hugs, RedHorse 🌹🐴

Not applicable

Re: Living with Ourselves

🤗💖  @Sophia1 


Re: Living with Ourselves

Roar loudly @Sophia1 🦁 Your son is lucky to have you in his corner 💖 Do not worry at all with catching up with anyone nor being here when you can't - your son and your own health are most important. We will all be here for you if you need to reach out and in the meantime sending you so much love 💖💖💖

Re: Living with Ourselves

Thinking of you lots my @Sophia1 ❤❤❤

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hi my dearest friend @Sophia1 it is OK, please don't be upset I had a nice day with my mum and partner. There will always be next year, glad you are taking some time out for you.


Hugs my dear friend, so excited to hear about your gardenia  I must love the new location and its gift to you is beautiful flowers.



Re: Living with Ourselves

Re: Living with Ourselves



Etwas blodes .. @Sophia1 

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Appleblossom@Jacques  @Emelia8 @Mumi @Anastasia @Krishna @greenpea @Shaz51 @outlander @BlueBay @Clawde @TAB @Hams @adge 


@NatureLover @Eve7 @Bow @RedHorse @Adge @HenryX @Meggle @Zoe7 @Exoplanet 

@Meowmy @Snowie 



I fell to the hard tiled floor as the chaos ans confusion took mind and body crashing as one, in a straight line almos,t on my side..

my husband heard the crash and it tiik mr some time to come out of shock


fast forward emergency hospital catastrophes in 3 - 4 days to get pain relief

12 days later orthopaedic surgeon performed operation on double fracture.. ball and socket of right shoulder as emergency


brain clinic scan due to bump heavy bruising near temple


further drama..mess ups


assessed have osteoporosis.. post concussion -brain clinic rehab 3-4 mths then reassess

word displacemement

what is memory?


not capable of administering my own medication

cannot walk outside on own

attendind phtsio..gentle exercises


son out of psych hosp unsure when could not take calls

 registered nurse from support accomm rang about 11pm he had not been there for two days and had then sent nuse message discharging himself

had not taken meds with him

dangerous sudden stop schizophrenia and anti psychotic drugs

psychs had discovered 2 new sides to him in hospital from previous history of so many detainments diff hosps


have stepped bac until he takes some accountability


I hve been with him threwb his life struggles for 34 years

will always be waiting when he again starts to do some of the more cash

he will always be my son and never lose my love..


I am a shadow of who I really am


mum nearly 96 fast onset dementia over 2 wks on medication which now increased.. moods settling


sister has agreed to move forward..i insist if unhappy or disagree time out no more blame ..accept each as who we are

time will telll


worn out trying to get help for next couple of months to help husband who has own health issues


the medical system needs to be scrapped and restarted modelled on asian and nordic systems


sorry if missed anyone I cannot remember names of people in reality


left hand hard to write..and slow hence illegible


i have no energy to give

you all know including those missed how much i care


sending love hugs peace hope



mh stigma in medical world let alone mh medical systems is rife with stigma


watcg q&a  only skims the surface




ps am supposed to stay off of computers due to concussion


if anyone notices someone whom I have missd please help me and add them


@Jynx @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @cloudcore 

Re: Living with Ourselves

omg that's terrible @Sophia1  hope things get better.  Sorry to hear you are injured