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Re: Living with Ourselves

Have fun in the garden champ @Sophia1 

Re: Living with Ourselves



Keeping busy in particular physically does help with mind


That is why gardening helps me.


Gardenia ohh no..


I still have same one in same pot. Has grown but now I think that something is eating it..

I wanted to transplant it but am scared to change anything about it's pot or position.

What do you suggest? Any particular type of soil or fertiliser?


Yellow leaves normally indicates thirsty I think.. You know more than me..


Scented peach roses lovely..they remind you with their smell every time you walk past.


Sorry to hear about your own difficulties with what I call non system in MH even though there are a few excellent staff who carry the others.. They cannot save the system on their own..


I knew that you would keep your bike safe..

always there waiting for you when you are ready..


well write when you feel like it.

no need to apologise

I will check on you if you dont mind..

let me know if you would rather I did not.

I also read your chats with Bill16 and love the bond that you have...very real..value it..I know that you do already just being you..


off to check my gardenia and other shooting plants.

Bye for now


your friend who cares




Re: Living with Ourselves

Yes @Bill16 my new friend


it is wet


which means mud




enjoy your day


you will see my supports with your chats with @Jacques 

always welcome to say hello if you feel cool with that


bye for now friends


Re: Living with Ourselves

hi @Sophia1 yes i think you are right, it is so hard to keep water up to the plants in such high temps. 


i would think you have Aphids if you do there are awesome enviro sprays you can use, if not use some dish soap and water to spray the leaves. the aphids will slide off and don't like the smell. 


i use this when i get bugs on my red robin hedge. it works great. 

Re: Living with Ourselves

hello @Sophia1    Yes the dog,   I keep forgetting about him and you asked more than once.

Well mate. . . .In all honesty,  not all of me is sure he is a dog. . .!

I know half is German Shepard ,  crossed with something bigger . . more hairy.   maybe a musk ox..    and dont  say.  . .  me.     His  mind is such that I'm  sure some locals have  thought it.  

Yes I have been using my cards since my last voyage to the big smoke.   I  love  em,  My  pride was swapped  at the local market years ago  for some vinyl records,  and a dream catcher . . .

Unfair trade , I know . .  but the lady

should have known better. . 

You are still in the maze,  is there even an exit. . ?

And after watching apple blossoms treasure,   what  do I say. . .    Now science tells me that just buy observing something ,  you change it ,  Quantum  theory  Mr  google tells  me...

 So  , .  by that rational ,  if  I  learn  something from that video,  am i just offering you a learned response,  ?  has it changed me.   How  would I know,   after all social masking  is a tool for Aut 2  folk like me.    I am smiling,   but it could do heads in thinking about it. . . .


I wanted to run it passed appleblossom but chickened out.    She has a bigger  wooden spoon than my bookkeeper I think. . .   I'm  a  coward,  maybe you could ask...  Now  I'm  laughing.


If  I came and helped you,  You would be on the front page and I would be wearing striped pyjamas.


Just take the old sub for a spin around the block and when you pop the hatch ,  the whole world will have gone away.     That not great help is it.  I'll  work on it. . .


Fixed the cool room last night and was rewarded . . .  now  wait  for it   . .   yes   another six stitches...     Its not the stiches  that give me the sh**# ts     Its that every time I do it ,   I have to put them in myself. .

 Hope ,  should  i say i know if any one can pull the show together  its you.


Dive   Dive  Dive...     opps  dont forget your   slippers. . .   tonys moonbase one





Re: Living with Ourselves

I had a couple of weeks away from the forum @tonys and still working my way back steps. We go back next week so heading to school tomorrow to begin setting up. Hopefully only a couple of hours but I may need to make a few trips to take everything in. If I can get up early enough I will take the load on the trailer to the tip then load it up with the school things ...then only 1 trip 👍


I hope you are travelling okay and finding those little bits of joy in each day ...they matter. 😁

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Zoe7    thanks for your kite Zoe..     sounds intense  Would love to know what kind of teaching you do.    I  had a picture of a heap of little brown legs running around a country play ground,

some special needs in there.    Why is It that senators get paid so much , and teachers not enough.        Hours of prep work  just to deliver an hour or two in the class,  Thats how I remember It.   I  have a funny little story about teaching .  well, . .  one day when you have more time...

Which tests you most,   forums ,    or teaching. . .?    best not answer that .  hey. . .


 Yes I'm always good,   thanks for asking.   My mind never stops,  and  I'm  always having a chuckle  on the inside.     The outside,   well that needs some serious panel beating.   I'm  always asking questions  searching  for a  funny  or  strange  angle  in everything.


Did  you watch  4 corners,    catholic   schools,    strange world we  live in...

Life  for me is  about  finding  the scenic  route  through the hills, . . . and not taking  baits.


You  take good care of yourself my friend.    Teachers  are very  special...  


Till next we meet ,    tonys moonbase one



Re: Living with Ourselves

I have a grade 1/2 class again this year @tonys I have also taught Art but it is only part-time at our school and I work full-time so unfortunately I had to go back on a single class. I do love it though - miss teaching Art but we do a lot of art in our class. I like to allow the kids to express themselves in a way that suits their interests ...they are much more engaged and learn a lot more that way.


What tests me more ...great question and I am happy to answer. Both teaching and the forums have their own rewards and their own challenges. I love seeing the little eyes of the kids light up when they get something they have been struggling with but absolutely hate all the (unnecessary) paper work that makes the job 2 roles in one. As for the forums - being able to see the progress of members, overcome their own challenges and (hopefully) being a small support in that process is rewarding. There are of course challenges - seeing people in so much pain, not getting the help/support they deserve, constantly fighting against a system that is inadequate Australia-wide in providing that help and not being able to do more at times are all challenges. Setting one's own boundaries and self-care are vital to help to continue to provide that support when we can.


I didn't see 4 corners - I do not watch a lot of tv ....mainly sport lol I used to watch a lot of tv (or at least have it on in the background) but one of my strategies to lessen triggers has been to minimise what I watch. You of course can never avoid them altogether - and that is when other strategies come into play - but I was finding so much of what is on these days is similar in content and it was not what I want/need to watch. I do like a good crime show and prefer the British series but I am still selective with those as well.


"Life for me is about finding the scenic route through the hills" ....I love that - such a great outlook to have.

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Zoe7    little legs running around.    I was almost right...     Did not expect you to get back so soon.   I do appreciate your time.

Yes . . .  media is like life.   Observe the story ,  tell the story,   and  know how and when to disassociate,  with both.   Not sure if that is a skill,   Probly a flaw in my character ..Aut level 2


I worry people take me to seriously. .   I must say ,  I have gained some confidence with communicating  and using the computor,  thanks to sane.


I'm a movie tragic,   followed by abc,  and  sbs.   stations.    Sport. . .  forget about it .   I  wish I was competitive, and not clumsy.  .  no  i dont.....   sport is just not my cuppa tea...  That bit of my brain is missing,    Awkward dace moves, . .   does that count   ?

Oh . . .  except figure skating.   I'm   hooked on that,    Paintings in the house of it ,  and  a pile of  dvds    Torval and Dean   type  stuff. . .Olympics  etc  


Well  I do find your letters very relaxing    and  am in aw  of all you give.


Now I better let you get some  sleep  but  i do hope you will grace me with  your  energy  positivity  and  spirit again.


Nighty nite      Zoe. . .       tonys moon base one.


Re: Living with Ourselves

Off to school now but will reply more later @tonys 👍😁


Good morning @Sophia1 💖