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Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @tonys 


Using the imagination is a beautiful way of getting in touch with other aspects of ourselves away from the  maddening crowd so to speak


I have been a daydreamer as far back as my mind will remember


It used to be seen as being out of touch

That is of course by those who are not in touch with their imaginations


All part of using our creative minds


Enjoy where your imagination takes you


I love this side of me


Hello @maddison 


I hope that life is a little more settling for you now with your home situation and caring for friend.

It is a difficult time having a loved one in hospital under the support of the mental health medical system.

The system works under overload and communication; support is often stretched.


I have been down this track with my son and it is extremely worrying and draining.

So please look after yourself and take the time to rest.


Take care


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @Appleblossom 


I hope that life is being kind to you and that your community gardening is still bringing you comfort.

I have read a little of your words on another thread where you struggled with bullying from a "church" person.

You asserted yourself and this is a great step forward.

I remember some time ago you going through a similar situation with yet another "church self professed self important person".

Sadly these people are attracted to the structure side of religion and can make it very uncomfortable with other parishioners.

I have had a very uncomfortable experience with a religious institution when my older son was very young and as a result did not return. They were trying to encourage me to join regular meeting groups several times a week where basically my whole life would have become centred on their leadership.

They prey on the vulnerable and are close to being sects.


There are of course still some very strong supports felt within some church settings that provide much help for those attending.

My words are not a slur on those.


We all do well to  seek support available that matches our own unique natures and environments.


I hope that all else is as calm as can be for you @Appleblossom 


I am restricting my visits on the forums again as a means of being more in touch with my external world.


I will write to you when I can.


sending you love supporting the friendship that has grown between us no matter how spasmodic.



Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @Clawde 


Letting you know that I am thinking of you and hoping that each day is a step towards regaining your strength and resilience.

You are a strong lady and many of us need to recognise when to take time out to look after ourselves.

This you have done


I will only be on the forums randomly myself now as I try to reconnect more with the external world.


Sending you love and warm hugs


Re: Living with Ourselves

Dear @Jacques 


I imagine that you  are very busy with your bike restoration along with other projects that you are thinking of starting next.


Your hard work is inspiring.


I am getting back out in my garden when the weather behaves and loving watching everything growing; bursting into colour.


I will be on the forums randomly as taking time out to reconnect with external activities in the real world.

I will still be thinking of you along with my friends and supporting you silently from afar.


sending you warmest wishes of friendship and support.

I love the connection that we have built which will always be there even when taking time out.


Enjoy your time with mum, partner and her teenagers.

Talking with teenagers is only as easy as the teenager themselves allows it to be.

It is not you.

Be guided by their responses; body languages and just be yourself. You have sensitivity within you so tap into that side and trust your instincts.



Take  care



Re: Living with Ourselves

I am so glad to see your friendships with others on the forum. @Sophia1 Somehow it rounds out the particular back and forth between two people, with the more general attitudes to life, and how different people naturally bring out different aspects from within each of us.


Especially with @Jacques It is so good to see your life, Jacques, is more full than when we first met. Your family loyalty is a good sign and you can be proud of it. I know it has cost you struggle and time and dedication. Congrats on all you have achieved in different areas of your life; practical, family, romantic.... and lets not forget the garden!


Church numbers are dwindling and the reasons are seeming more clear.  I have decided not to put too much emphasis on it, even though there is pressure to join all the groups. So am learning to say "no" to dominant types if not active bullies.   I am no longer 6 years old and will be eternally grateful to the nuns for taking us in when my parents went walkabout.  


Hearing you about the tendency to want to empire build with little groups. Some have very poor listening skills when I say politely I have enough gardening groups that I am apart of, so not going to there every week.  At least I am getting out and about, and meeting more people and doing things rather than just talking to the plants and the animals.  Its good for reality checking and being realistic about human nature without getting being naieve and thus also sharing a little of that journey with my son who also needs to develop better social skills. He can be friendly and polite and charming but deeper judgment is not always there, and def takes practice.


My osteo was surprised I would even give it another go.  I did get isolated and am taking it as a bit of a social experiment, standing ground instead of my usual social withdrawal, calling out instead of silence.  I have music ministry skills which ought get some airing ... but am also reaching out in lots of other ways, getting bumped and bruised, but living and learning and laughing as much as I can, rather than retreating.  


Guessing you are medically more compromised than I am at the moment.  So wishing you the best with it all.

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hi @tonys are you still in the city on your adventures? What about Sophia & Maddison? ( The calves) they will be looking forward to your return.. Looking forward to the true story you know about Neptune - yep you made me laugh.


I bought hour of the bewilderbeast on Ebay. Im still a cd person!  Oh & I found a crystal necklace in the op shop. I like crystals. It has rose quartz, clear quartz & I realised when I got home it has green amethyst. No tag. The man at the counter said $1 - I think I was lucky to find it.


Maybe you like this song?


I hope you are well & things at mb1 are full of moments of crystal goodness.


Green amethyst correct name is Prasiolite...I wouldn't know how to pronounce?


Actually it might be fluorite? It's transparent.









Re: Living with Ourselves

@maddison  ooohhh ......   nice jewellery.  Bowerbirds paradise.  Hi madison , how are you my friend,  Gravity and some chaos brought me back to the farm.  U.N.  peace keeping mission.  Vet gave maddison , sophia, and the unnamed calf the big thumbs up. Like bright new pennies, they look.   Be good milkers one day.  Pickers all happy, book keeper not so much.   Geese and dog.  The dog , swamp thing ,  has fallen in love with my sow and the geese seem to know its all wrong,   Best i dont go into it, ...   More geese,  more chooks, and im not good at counting but i think someone dumped more goats here.    Watched the young pickers load the truck with my very early crop of Marmande tomatoes.    Such good kids, never enough toms to keep the wholesaler happy....   Sorry,  its not neptune,   Its saturn and jupitor,  apparently it rains saphires , rubys and amethyst, some times on these two planets.  Thought that would tickle you pink.   A balloon filled hopes and dreams might just take us there one day.    this is end of part one of this letter.  send p2 in a little bit ...tonys mb1 

Re: Living with Ourselves

@maddison  hi Maddison,   had to stop and give geese the Christmas dinner threat,....  Buggers know i'm just bluffing.  Yes i love the eskimo  joe song.  Got some of his work on my shelf between Janis ian,  and Joe Satriani's,  Surfing with the alien.... Now that guy is not of this earth.   Track 4 i think.  called [with me, with you]   . Watch his hands on those strings.  no vocals, ... when you see him cast his spells .... well ,.. his hands do his talking...  For now , im still exploring little birdy,..  opened a new door.   this basket of treats seeps right into my parched terrain.  Another from your purple velvet bag please....?     They have an innocence in there work that is refreshing.    Thanks again.   Well the book keepers got   one hand on her hip, and the other showing me the gate..   Shes the boss ,,suites me....opps , i can feel her look,   gotta go,    Think ill call the 3rd calf ,   .... Crystal...     That ill work just fine.....  Search and seek , till next we speak.   Tonys moon base one

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @tonys apologies in delay replying to you. I actually was rereading your most recent est letter, whilst sitting in a waiting room at a lawyer's office. Perhaps that will give you an indication of where my head & life have been of late.


I'm super simple😊 I don't do well in the fast paced world - maybe similar to your city adventure. It's nice to see what's out there - it's better to return home.


Is any of this making sense? My mind goes too fast for itself at times..... By the time I have written this sentence - my mind is 3 paragraphs ahead. I end up writing the end bits & forgetting to explain the middle!!!😄


I'm laughing in my head at myself... I'm not exactly sure why.


I have completely lost track of what I was trying to say to you. Oh well.... New subject then.


Thankyou for my 2 part letter. I thought it was fancy to have a sequel. I might write a Part 2 to U 2😊 I thought that your book keeper standing with her hand on her hip, starting to get inpatient with you.... As you typed to me... Was fun to read. I get it. She is the boss.


Oh. I am suddenly recalling that you likened me to a 🐦 - one that collects things.  I guess I can consider that I do collect unnecessary items. That must be a really obvious perspective from where you are on the farm. 


I know there is more to say. I'm having yet another forgetful moment....Part 2... Please write back if you want... You do not have to wait for part 2.


To be continued....

Re: Living with Ourselves

@maddison   Hi maddison ...   Yes it all makes sense to me....... If your in a solicitors office i can only hope that life is not being unkind to you   You are to soft and nice to have to endure dealing with the talons of the legal eagles.   I so hope its not to serious, but then there are few things in life that cant be overcome with  friends and willpower.  Im in your friend basket.  No i dont think your a bowerbird ..  I just think if i was one......and i am...... finding that necklace would make my day.   Its a beaut....  I have a feeling some times that you are in heavy seas, and the bailing bucket is to small........   Whish i knew what it was and how i could help.   Some times i have to pull the hand break on in my brain........    Stop ,...  and just breath.....   long deep breaths, .....  Lungs taking deep deep sips from tranquil blue skys,  Breath.........   Breath....Breath......   When the wild fires get away, it helps me and i so hope it helps you.    You say you are simple,  but i read your many words mate. The depth to your soul is the ocean that overwhelms you at times.   Shallow people dont stress to much.  The gifts i see in you,..... may they not be your nemeses.  You will find the strength to balance the equation in your heart and overcomes all odds .   There are to many people that love you for you to ever fail. ....... Big hugs,   Remember , if your smiling,.....   I'm smiling...  tonys moon base one............    breath.......