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Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

@Appleblossom I am glad it helped to talk about him. I am here if you ever want to talk more about it. To me, Grief is probably the hardest thing in life to deal with. I lost my Mum at a very young age, so I understand the pain of grief. The hardest part is it doesn't just disappear either. I spent most of my life grieving...

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

I will look it up...

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Thank you @Winterz Perhaps we can talk elsewhere on the forum as it is natural and feels right. Loss of your mother when young is a key issue. I agree that griefwork takes a lifetime. I have had more than my fair share. I have started a home thread called "Fragile" you are welcome any time.

I do not want to derail this thread from what I see as an important endeavour. I moved from laughter to tears in a day. Without me exerting excessive control on myself. Thats ok.

I also hope that people do not get side tracked by small differences in viewing what is therapeutic for them.  I was wondering whether to delete my post but will let it stand for now and see what happens further with @Phoenix_Rising effort.

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

I don't know if DBT addresses conflict resolution @Phoenix_Rising but when you have external conflict and do not address it, you can still deal with the resultant internal conflict @Winterz, radical acceptance perhaps being part of it.

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

(Sorry I don't know how to tag on this forum yet). Yeah wherever, whenever. I just thought I would offer my support because I understand somewhat and can empathise with those who have lost a loved one.

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

I got that @Winterz and you were sensitive enough to respond to me rather than simply pass me by.  A lot of people have done that and I do notice the difference. Wherever/whenever is fine.  I actually had a great deal of loss that was never deal with in a timely manner by those around me. So the smallest acknowledgment these days is appreciated.

There are always going to be interpersonal stuff arising when there is more than one person ... it is naive not to realise that and it is not always bad.  Early on in the forum I wanted to tease out these conflict resolution issues. 

Form Norm Storm Perform .. is one approach

I tagged you to "Fragile". 

To tag press the @ key and start typing in any names.  On any thread most recent posters will automatically come up.

Start new thread by pressing aqua "new discussion" button.

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Good afternoon DBT-ers, Smiley Happy

It looks like there may have been a little bit of tricky communication happening around here last night. Oh well, that was yesterday and today is today. Yay for being able to start afresh every 24 hours (as opposed to if we lived on Venus, in which case we would have to wait 5832 hours for a new day to begin!). 

@Winterz I'm wondering if perhaps the confusion between us is because you see DBT as focusing more on accepting a situation than on changing it. I totally agree that CBT ignores the whole idea of acceptance. However, I wouldn't say DBT focuses MORE on acceptance than change. Rather, it holds these things in tension - hence the dialectic. For example, Linehan talks about how we should accept that we are totally ok as we are right now, while at the same time, striving for change. The aim of the game isn't to put acceptance ahead of change, or vice versa, but to hold the two in tension.

I confess that I got VERY into DBT when I had to write an essay on it during the clinical psychology subject in my honours year. We had to choose a therapy and critically evaluate it. I super enjoyed delving into the research around DBT and that's what inspired me to buy the treatment manual and the skills training manual and read them for myself. When I get very into something, I do tend to then prattle on about it a lot, so I'm sorry if it felt like I had a "big reaction" to your post. Smiley Happy

@Former-Member I really enjoyed reading your post. I totally hear you about needing to examine our motivations in wanting to take a stand. I also super agree that it is important to stay focused on the problem and not the person. The biggest stand I have ever taken was when I sued the church where I was abused. I tried again and again and again to work it through with the church leadership, but I kept getting a "no comment" response. After one final attempt, I knew I needed to choose between walking away, or commencing legal proceedings. I am very comfortable with the choice I made to sue them. It was so totally not what I wanted. What I wanted was to simply talk and to hear them say "we made a mistake and we are sorry." But given that wasn't possible, I am very ok with what I did. I wasn't angry with them, just very very sad. To me, it was a wrong that needed to be made right. The minister who I sued is the same man who I consider my father-figure. I still send him a birthday, Christmas, and Father's day card every year. The fact that I sued him doesn't negate the fact that I love him. My deepest wish is that one day our relationship will be healed, but I accept there is a near-zero possibility of this happening. 

Taking a stand is SO HARD, and I will never ever understand why people can't simply talk things through. Smiley Sad

Oh by the way @Former-Member, yep, DBT does address conflict resolution. The last module we will do is "interpersonal effectiveness." Given the rate we are moving at, we should get up to that module sometime in the year 2050. Smiley LOL

@Teej Super big thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think maybe we aren't on quite the same page regarding what it means to accept reality (and that's a bazillion percent ok Smiley Happy). In your retail store example, I would see arguing that I shouldn't have to pay, as a failure to accept the reality of needing to pay. Having accepted the reality that I need to pay, my options are then to a) pay and receive the goods, b) not pay and not receive the goods, c) not pay and potentially get arrested for shoplifting. 

Regarding the next bit, yep, I agree the reality could be that a person has been harmed by someone and as you say, we can't turn back time. Then, as you say, the person can choose how they will deal with the situation from that point on. It sounds like we agree there! Smiley Happy

In instances where I have been harmed (e.g. the abuse I experienced at the church), the way people have responded to the harm has been a bigger issue than the harm itself. For me, the fact that the minister told me to "confess any sin involved, then put it behind you and move on" has always been a much bigger issue than the actual act of abuse. I think part of the reason I find this so hard is that this ISN'T something that is in the past. At ANY point, that minister could call me or email me and tell me he is sorry that he responded in that way. That would super help to heal the harm done. Alas, after more than two decades, methinks that is never going to happen. But yeah...I think I find it much harder to accept it when people persistently choose to take a "no comment" stance, because this can always be changed, at any moment, they simply choose not to. For me that is bewildering and heart breaking. We can't undo the past, but we can still take steps to heal it. I will never understand why it seems so hard for people to do that. But it is what it is - and that is what I need to keep working on accepting. I do not understand it, I do not agree with it, but it is what it is. 



Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Hi Phoenix Rising.
Well similarly I studied Psychology but with CBT as one of my subjects . I have also had intensive CBT therapy AND DBT therapy personally. So I surely must have learned something, I do wonder why you appear to keep trying to correct me and offer your own insights though, ....
Admittedly I was unaware of the CBT book by Marsha, but It's existence doesn't prove that DBT and CBT can be quite different in focus.
What I think might be happening is that you may be interpreting some of these ideas differently.
For example , You mention Marsha says change is important right? I never disputed that but I think she is probably referring to generally changing as a person NOT specifically a change of perception(the focus of cbt). You disagree that DBT is more about acceptance but the thing you might not realise is , I'm talking about more than acceptance of a thought (for example) . Acceptance in DBT refers to so much more than thoughts, It's acceptance of feelings, It's accepting and being in the present moment, as you would surely know,Mindfulness is a massive component of DBT and a big part of being mindful is just accepting your feelings, thoughts, etc without judgement. So I don't understand how you can not see the major relevance there for acceptance.. Anyway, this arguing is getting tiring and silly. It just feels like a silly ego contest , when it should be about supporting one another and stuff..peace

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Hi @Winterz,

I'm hearing that perhaps I have caused offense in some way. I'm super sorry about that. I don't have any sense at all that we were arguing. From my perspective, I was trying to clarify what I was saying and also understand what you were saying. I'm really sorry if that came across as argumentative. 

You are definitely not the first person to experience me as argumentative (and I seriously doubt you will be the last Smiley Happy). I'm afraid I don't understand what it is about me that makes me come across that way, so all I can do is apologise. Zoe7 made me a warning label for when I find myself in situations like this (which tells you something about how often I find myself in situations like this Smiley Happy).

I hope you have a great weekend. 

toxic turtle.png


Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Nice guide and source of infomation.