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Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Wow @Phoenix_Rising,
You have done an amazing job here.💪
When I think back to participating in DBT, we were encouraged to call our psychologist for help with skills. This was to be a short call only and it was to state how we were struggling and the psychologist would help to find the appropriate skill. Asking for help was being effective.
Then you were to try and generalise these skills into your life. Instead of feeling angry that you had so much housework, to ask calmly for another member of the household to bring in the washing, or empty the dishwasher or walk the dog.
When caring for an elderly family member I often get angry that I am doing it all so I think, stuff my siblings , I’m not going to tell them about this appointment or that development but my not communicating with my siblings, it only hurts me. I eventually get more support if I keep communicating....

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Thanks @Phoenix_Rising for all the info you put up.  There is a lot to read.  But it's all coming back to me!!! 🙂

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

@Catcakes what you are describing fits perfectly with my understanding of how DBT is supposed to be done - i.e. being able to call your psychologist for help between sessions. You were really lucky to find somewhere where they did the whole program like that. As I've mentioned before, most psychologists who say they do DBT, only teach the skills - they don't provide that between-session support. To me, that is an essential part of DBT. 

I really struggle with the fact that I have zero between-session support - hence why my once-a-week call to the HC was so important to me. I feel even more alone now that that has been taken away. Smiley SadSmiley SadSmiley Sad

@BlueBay @Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member Giggle. You do know that that post took me about a month to write, don't you? It's not designed to be absorbed right away. Smiley Very Happy The super cool thing about Forum Land is that we can come back to things whenever. Smiley Happy

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

This is great @Phoenix_Rising

You did really well dealing with your emotions with the car tyre people, good job 🙂

'People Savvy' - interesting term, I look forward to hearing how others get around this, does it relate to emotional intelligence and being aware of other emotions?



Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Thanks @Phoenix_Rising , my pdoc has suggested that I go do DBT so this is really helpful 

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

@Phoenix_RisingI will come back for another read of that very impressive post.

Sorry you are in crisis. Hope the forum and DBT have been some help.

In last 3 months I have been allowed to contact my mh worker between sessions. I NEVER abuse that privelege.  I ahve done therapy for 30 years and I never had that option. It was not offered or asked for.  However this brings back a memory of dead sister who did phone her psych once when we were talking about the fanily.  I was amazed then and still so glad I had that year with my sister where we talkied endlessly about family issues and listened and played piano and tapes.  NOT GOSSIP.  We were the ones gossipped about. Ah the old days of tapes and vinyl.  It is good to be able to remember her without tears, even a quiet little smile.  I think that is important and a form of recovery for me. She died 32 years ago. Thank you.

Take Care ALL


Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

I was also impressed with your handling of the tyre situation @Phoenix_Rising, both the tyre itself 💪 and the tyre man.
I understand that it is very frustrating to have something taken away from you that you found supportive and helpful.
I also understand from my own experience that I have abused such priveleges many times resulting in great shame. It got to the stage whenI would start with a new psychologist , I would tell THEM the boundaries they needed to maintain. This works for me.
I have a better relationship with my current therapist because she is very good at maintaining boundaries and this helps me to feel Safe.👍🏼

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

@Catcakes for me it isn't "frustrating." Rather, it is immensely re-traumatizing due to my history and my current social isolation. Also, just to clarify, the HC haven't banned me from calling them because I somehow abused the privelege. I was super good at sticking to the once-a-week rule. It's because there's something wonky with my communication and they couldn't cope with it. I don't really understand...I just know I'm too wonky for them to want to talk to me once a week. TTT said I'm not too wonky for her though, so that's something. Smiley Happy

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Thanks for clarifying that @Phoenix_Rising.
I guess that just shows that TTT is very right for you then. I’ve never actually spoken to the HC people so I can’t even guess why they found you too wonky to talk to but right from when I first started my own tentative forays into forum land I have found you warm and supportive🌿👍🏼

Re: Let's do Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Truly awesome presentation @Phoenix_Rising

Your TTT sounds like she is perfect for you. I'm so pleased for you that you have TTT. 

Much to take in, and respond to, very timely info for me to revisit. Will come back to respond when I'm not so shaky.