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Re: Gratitude posts

Sorry to hear about your car @peace ! I'm grateful for how beautifully you have responsed to an upsetting event. Seeing the positive in a negative situation. 

Re: Gratitude posts

@CherryBomb Oh yeah I never thought about that but you know it really has helped me get thru this day. I do miss her.

Re: Gratitude posts

I'm grateful that @bipolar101 started this terrific thread (I hope you are travelling ok!)

I'm grateful for the early morning. I stood on my doorstep just after dawn, breathed the morning air, listened to the birds and very quietly sung one of my personal "mantras".

I'm grateful for the many beuatiful, supportive and generous people I have met on this forum. I count myself truly blessed to be part of this community.

Kind regards,


Re: Gratitude posts

Hi @peace 

So sorry to hear about the car - bless you for your ability to find the grace in this situation. I hope you get your car back in good nick!

Kind regards,


Re: Gratitude posts


so sorry to hear your car got stolen, but you are handling it amazingly


I am grateful that i have the house to myself for a few hours today, to just be able to sit and relax without interuptions.

I am also still grateful for this forum, giving me somewhere to be able to write my thoughts and share my expierences with others and learn from others expierences

Re: Gratitude posts

Cool post!

I am grateful for Sane forums ...all my like minded friends .......
im grateful for learning to stop my life and smell the roses.....not feel guilty but slowly take one day at a time....

These pretty fantastic posts on this thread......on ya for bacon !!

That my sons love me and don't need me but found their own positive support systems.
My wonderful wonderful GP.
trusting that one husband will find out how much I care about him though I won't be able to see him ever again.

Good luck on car @peace.

Re: Gratitude posts

Oh am so Grateful to you guy's @kato @kristin @PeppiPatty You know i was starting to feel a little low. But your kind comments have helped me. Thank you

Re: Gratitude posts

I am SO grateful for my big girl. In all sorts of ways big and small she has stepped up to help me at the moment. 

Here are two examples:

A lunch-box note for her little sister - If you stumble make it part of the dance

A quote via hangouts for me - Yeah I am WIERD: Wonderful, Exciting, Interesting, Real, Different! (I declared us a weird family years ago when my eldest was in year 7, and he complained his friends thought his sister was weird. This is an idea my elder daughter has embraced as freedom to be herself Woman Happy)


Re: Gratitude posts

What a great thread.

I'm grateful for my husband, even through all his MH issues he tries to remain cheerful and loving.
I'm grateful for my two wonderful children and my adorable granddaughter.
I'm grateful for my three wonderful stepchildren and two step-grandchildren.
I'm grateful for the roof over my head, the food in my belly and the little (very little) luxuries that being retired provides us with.

Being a carer isn't easy and there are so many things that I'd love to "wish away" but it pays to read a thread like this and realise there are also many things to be grateful for.

Re: Gratitude posts

I really feel like acknowledging my neighbor as I am so Grateful to be blessed to have met this kind and most helpful lady. My life has been made so much easier because of her. I just wish I could some how give back to her. I am going to try harder to be there for her somehow.